In January 2009, Lincoln, the channel for Higher Self, began his second Channeling Higher Self video series on YouTube.
Satsang with the Self is a modern day re-creation of the traditional satsang teaching enivronment using 21st century technology. Take part in a digital internet ashram, live fully interactive video streamed to you over the internet every weekend.
Active participation is encouraged. These Higher Self channelling sessions are for you.
What is a Satsang?
The literal translation of the Sanskrit word Satsang is sat = true; sanga = company.
Satsang describes in Indian philosophy (Yoga, Advaita, Vedanta):
1. the company of the highest truth
2. the company of a guru or spiritual teacher
3. company with an assembly of persons who listen to, talk about, and assimilate the truth
Satsang typically involves listening to or reading spiritual teachings, reflecting on, discussing and assimilating their meaning, meditating on the source of these words, and bringing their meaning into one’s daily life.
The definition of Satsang also extends to include the inner voice of guidance and teaching that is awakened within you as you develop the potentials of your Soul or Higher Self.
In a world where the predominant focus of attention is ‘out there’, Satsang provides an environment which affirms the practice of looking within.
The nature and goal of Satsang with the Self is to establish you in a direct, unbreakable communion with your Higher Self, while living an active worldly life.
What is the Self?
The word Self is derived from the Indian word Ātman (Sanskrit: आत्मन्) or Atta (Pāli): which literally means “Self” and is also translated to mean “Soul”.
Ātman or Atta is rooted in the Indo-European word ēt-men which means “breath”.
While Buddhism and Yoga (or Advaita or Vedanta) disagree about the permanence or impermanence of the Self, the fundamental definition is the same. The Self is you, at the innermost core level.
As you will learn in the Satsang with the Self videos, the Self is both impermanent and permanent simultaneously. It is the nature of manifest reality to be dualistic. It is the nature of Self to be all inclusive.
Satsang with the Self is the gathering of Souls to celebrate the highest truth of who we are: pure, unconditional Love Consciousness.
Please view the Satsang with the Self videos listed below.
- Spiritual Feng Shui – Channeled Guidance to Improve the Energy in Your Home
- Pray the Higher Self Way – Connecting to Universal Consciousness
- Your Spiritual Light Triggers Other People’s Pain – DO THIS
- You Are Living a Second Life While You Sleep | Higher Self Channeling
- How to Support the Spiritual Awakening of Neurodivergent Children with Special Needs
- Follow Your Heart’s Desire to the Best of Your Ability | Higher Self Message
- The Higher Self Energy is Too Strong – I Fall Asleep in Meditation
- From Physical Meditation to Nonphysical Enlightenment COMPLETELY EXPLAINED
- When is it Right to Help Family Members and When Should We Walk Away?
- Your Souls Chose Your Traumas to Help You Awaken EXPLAINED
- The Higher Self Spiritual Heart Meditation Creates the Schumann Resonance in the Brain
- The Higher Self Perspective on the Teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza
- Remove the Confusion About Having Desires in Spirituality
- Channeled NAMASTE Meditation: Awakening Unity Consciousness
- Will the next President hold the fate of the world in their hands? Psychic Medium Channeling
- Do Dogs Have Higher Consciousness than Humans?
- Becoming the Emptiness of Self – A Channeled Higher Self Meditation
- Manifesting Success – How much does the world change when you change your understanding?
- Higher Self Channeled Energy Activation & Empowerment Message — POWERFUL
- Does Spiritual Enlightenment Guarantee Successful Manifestation?
- Channeled Meditation: You are God – Raise the Vibration of Your Life
- Does a Soul Choose it’s Parents? How Much Influence Does our Family Have on Our Soul’s Evolution?
- Meditate on the Beauty of the Spiritual Breath | A Channeled Meditation
- Get in Your Body! Grounding Your Consciousness into the 3D Reality to Manifest Success
- Begin Creating the Enlightened State with this Spiritual Practice: Pure Presence
- Ask Your Higher Self: Is Eating Meat Harming Your Spiritual Development?
- The Deception of Spiritual Enlightenment – False Ideas and Misunderstanding
- Higher Self Prayer for World Peace | Guided Prayer Practice
- Can You Transcend Your Astrology Chart and Live a Free Life?
- 15 Minute Meditation | Creating the Perfect Breath: Receiving God’s Love, Giving Your Love
- Living a God Realized Life Begins with Knowledge and Ends with Direct Experience
- How to Create the Rainbow Light Body | Channeled Teaching
- From Alpha to Omega: Is the Purpose of Our Spiritual Journey to Return to the Nothingness of God?
- Examining the Three Layers of the Mind: Subconscious, Conscious & Super Conscious in Relation to God
- How to Stop Attracting Bad People and Bad Experiences that Hurt You | Channeled Message
- Getting Irritated by People? Try This! – a Higher Self Teaching
- Manifestation Mastery – Am I Creating my Success or is God Creating my Success?
- How to Be in Non-Duality and Not Struggle with Emotions and Thoughts
- Do All Spiritual Experiences Reveal Spiritual Truth?
- Religions Have Taught You to Fear the One True God That Only Loves You
- Discover the Holy Trinity of Your Spiritual Self
- You Are Made of Happy Energy – Here’s How to Find It
- Practicing Silence Accelerates Your Awakening to Enlightenment
- Remember Why You Chose to Become Human | A Channeled Message
- Go Beyond God Realization in this Channeled Activation and Teaching
- This is Your Dream of Life. You Have Total Authority Creating It.
- Channeled Energy Activation – Experience the Perfection of God Right Now
- Become the Open, Empty, Silent Space of Perception in this Channeled Meditation
- What is the origin of your personality? Examined from a Soul Level
- Express as God Consciousness in this Higher Self Meditation
- Why is it difficult to heal yourself with energy healing practices?
- The Reason Why God Created Human Limitation and Suffering
- Relax into the Knowledge that You Are God | A Guided Meditation
- Channeled Full Body Relaxation Technique | A Guided Meditation
- Do Not Do What You Love INSTEAD Love What You Do – Here’s Why!
- Higher Self Examines the Entire Process of Healing the Physical Body
- How will the Digital Metaverse change our world and change Spiritual Awakening?
- The Human Search for Happiness is Flawed. You Were Given Wrong Information.
- Enter the Non-Dual State | A Channeled Transmission
- The Journey to Your Greatest Happiness: Spiritual Enlightenment
- Perform Shadow Work to Increase Your Manifestation Success
- Human Consciousness will Always Create War. Spiritual Awakening will End All Wars.
- Channel Spiritual Love Energy to End Suffering and Heal Our World
- When Will the Darkness and Evil Leave Our World? | A Channeled Perspective
- Channeled Meditation to EXPAND into God Consciousness
- Life Can Be Difficult. Emotions Challenge Us. Get Help from the Higher Dimensions.
- Closed Eye Meditation vs Open Eye Meditation: The Benefits of Both
- Use Your Dreams to Create a Better Life | Channeled Teaching
- You are Dreaming Your Life. This is How it Works.
- Sacred Breath Meditation to Purify Your Mind
- Channeled Meditation to Create the Healing Energy of Unity Consciousness
- What is the Greatest Love a Human Can Feel?
- Get into Spiritual Alignment with this Channeled Energy Activation
- The Energy Creating You Feels Like Love – Here’s How to Find It
- Higher Self Teaches Pineal Gland Activation with this Channeled Meditation
- You are Constantly Adding Love to the Universe
- Understand the Significance of Your Spiritual Heart
- Every Part of Your Life is Designed to Become More Perfect
- Why does the Soul Forget God, Create Ignorance and Seek Enlightenment?
- Is Staying in Witness Consciousness Enough to Purify the Psyche for Enlightenment?
- Higher Self Channeling that Explains How Souls are Created by God
- Follow These Steps to Feel Your Spiritual Heart Energy All Day Long
- After Enlightenment, You Are Not Finished – Transcending Spiritual Greed
- 11:11 Channeled Meditation | Shine with Love to Attract What You Desire
- Align Your Heart and Your Mind to Express Your Authentic Self
- The Creative Energy of Life is the Vibration of Love | Guided Meditation
- A Single Idea Created Everything | A Higher Self Channeled Teaching
- A Higher Dimension Channeled Understanding to Create Freedom From Financial Struggle, Loss and Fear
- Higher Self Explains Why All Spiritual Practices Are Essentially Two Types
- Higher Self Teaches You How to Bring Spiritual Energy into Your Body
- Receive a Higher Self Energy Activation
- What Humanity Needs To Do To Enter The New Earth | Channeled Guidance
- Guided Meditation to Open Yourself to Experience God
- Why Does The Enlightened Mind Say “There Is No Right And No Wrong”?
- The Higher Self Tells Us What the New Earth is Like | A Channeled Message
- Spiritual Pride – When is Pride a Good Thing?
- A Channeled Examination of a Human’s Spiritual Awakening Process
- It’s Easy to Change Anything in Your Life – Follow These Steps
- Channeled Meditation to Shine Your Light Body
- Awaken to Your God Realization (Explanation & Meditation)
- Discern the Difference Between Energy Upgrades, Ascension Symptoms and Real Health Problems
- Stop Avoiding Your Life. Participation in Life is the Enlightenment Process.
- How does your life change when you realize God?
- Expand into Love with Every Breath | Higher Self Channeled Energy Meditation
- Why did God create suffering? What is the true reason we suffer?
- Energy Healing for All of Humanity: Remember that We Are One
- Channeled Energy Healing to Bless our World and All Life in It
- You Must Go Deeper Than Your Thoughts to Master Creating Your Reality
- See Your Aura and Understand How Your Energy Affects Your Health | Higher Self Channeling
- Create Inner Peace to Balance Your Life and Create New Opportunities
- Understanding Quantum Reality and Creating Multiple Timelines | A Channeled Perspective
- You are God – a Channeled Meditation
- Why do we feel stuck when we try so hard to achieve our goals?
- Build Trust in Yourself and Your Life to Increase Union and Unity Consciousness
- Establish Yourself in a Deeper State of Inner Peace that is Beyond the Mind
- Higher Self Meditation – Know Everything as God and Open Your Blissful Heart to Life
- Higher Self Perspective on the Russia vs Ukraine War and the USA vs Somalia War
- Learn the Meditations and Energy Practices that Jesus Christ Used to Awaken
- Higher Self Energy Activation for Inner Peace and World Peace
- 15 Minute “I Am” Higher Self Energy Empowerment & Affirmation Meditation
- Spiritual Causes and Solutions for Eating Disorders including Substance Abuse Addictions
- The 3 Qualities of God are Existing as the Qualities of Everything in Creation
- Enter the New Year with a Stronger Expression of Your Soul’s Truth
- You, Dear One, Shine As Love and Light | Higher Self Guided Meditation
- Participating in Life is How You Realize That You Are God
- Channeled Message – Christmas Awakening Christ Consciousness Light Body
- What does it mean when we say “You are God”? | Channel Higher Self’s 500th Satsang
- Your Purpose is to Remember that You Are God – That is Why We Create
- Creating Blissful Union with the Breath: A Meditation and Teaching
- God Realization Requires Living in Harmony with the Laws of this Universe
- The Power of Intention – A Channeled Meditation to Observe Your Personal Power
- Higher Self Examines the Relationship Between Teacher and Student
- The Higher Self Examines the Cause of Disease and How to Cure Disease
- The 3 Principles to Understand the Perfection of God. How to Truly Create a Happy Life.
- Experience the 3 Qualities of God Within Yourself
- The Problem with Spiritual Teachings on Emptiness and Why They Cause Suffering
- Channeled Higher Self Guides You How to Experience Your Eternal State
- How do we know when we are experiencing Spiritual Bypassing?
- Do pets have souls? Do pets choose their owners? Are pets in our soul family? Higher Self Answers
- Remove Your Beliefs That You Are Not Powerful Enough
- Your Sense of Feeling Creates Your Ego Identification
- Examination of Spiritual Bypassing – A Higher Dimension Channeled Perspective
- Feel the Space Surrounding Your Body (Aura) to Awaken to Your Light Body
- Mental Dynamite – Most Powerful Concepts for Personal Happiness and Spiritual Awakening
- Higher Self examines Detachment and Non-Attachment – Spiritual Practices for Inner Peace
- Trust the Creative Process – Your Natural Expression will Create Success
- Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest material things – money, wealth, objects
- Create Authentic Devotion to God. Create Devotional Energy in your Heart with the Higher Self.
- How You Understand Yourself Determines Your Life. You Create Your Reality.
- The Original Energy Creating You is Located in Your Spiritual Heart
- Channeled Message to Expand Your Consciousness into Full Memory of Your God Self
- Learn the Final Step that Makes Your Manifestations Successful
- When I focus on my Spiritual Heart in meditation, I feel emotional pain. Help!
- Human Sexual Energy is Showing Us How God Creates the Universe
- Higher Self’s Creation Story – Channeled from Universal Consciousness
- Higher Self Channeled Meditation – Perfect Emptiness
- You are God. Remember This. A Channeled Message.
- Learn How Easy Creating Successfully Can Be – A Detailed Examination of the Creative Process
- Understand the Unlimited Power You Have as a Free Will Creator of this Human Reality
- Psychology ends where spirituality begins.
- Perform a Life Review for your Soul Every Night Before You Sleep
- Enlightenment is both emptiness and fullness of form. Silence is not enough. All must be embraced.
- Channeled Message – What is the purpose of fear in the human reality?
- Channeled Meditation to Align Yourself with the Truth of Who You Are
- Channeled Meditation to Show You the Awakened State of Spiritual Realization
- Channeled Meditation to Expand Your Consciousness and Fill Your Energy Field with Bliss
- If God is Love then why is there suffering? Why do injustice and harm exist in a loving universe?
- Use this Practice to Fill Your Energy Field with the Frequency of Divine Love
- You have been conditioned to believe that life must be a struggle. Change your understanding.
- Practice Feeling Yourself as the Expanded Consciousness and Watch What Happens
- Come into your life and express your best understanding. You are a creator.
- Exactly what happens when you meditate on your Spiritual Heart
- Fill Your Reality with Empowering High Vibration Energy – Channeled Affirmation Practice
- The Recipe for Success Explained Perfectly in this Channeled Message
- Channeled Meditation to Help You Understand You Exist Beyond this World
- Live Your Purpose and Expand Your Creative Control in your Reality
- This is Spiritual Purpose of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. It is our Ascension Process.
- Move Beyond the Restless Mind in this Higher Self Guided Meditation
- Channeled Guidance for Introverted, Quiet, Creative Children Like Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Souls
- Your success is based upon one thing and one thing only – a Channeled Message
- Feel Your Heart and Be at Peace – Higher Self Guidance Helps You Awaken
- Live Your Life Heart-centered and Watch a New Reality Awaken
- Channeled Message – Your Lives Have Been Taken Away From You. Your Reality Needs You.
- Higher Self Talks About the Upcoming Presidential Election in 2020
- Channeled Meditation – Listen and Let the Higher Self Change Your Vibration
- Satsang with the Self Centering Meditation
- Stop Spiritual Seeking. Relax and Give Yourself Permission to Be Yourself.
- Explore the Fullness of Yourself in this Higher Self Channeling Meditation
- Your life is a reflection of your ability to honor your Heart’s Blueprint
- The Key to Physical and Psychological Health is the Ability to Relax
- Meditate upon the Peace that is Emptiness – Space, Silence, Stillness
- World’s Greatest Mantra – I love you and I wish you happiness
- Change the Original Wounding of Mankind – Everything is Truly God Consciousness
- This is the Process of Experiencing Oneness – Explained So You Have No Confusion
- The Three Facts that Prove that You are God Consciousness Creating Your Own Reality
- 15 Minute Meditation for Expanded Awareness, Body Awakening, Peace and Love
- How to Choose the Best Understanding, Interpretation and Response to a Life Situation
- 10 Minute Meditation to Awaken the Light and Love of your Eternal Self
- You Wanted to Know… The Higher Self Says This is the Highest Spiritual Teaching
- We Are All One Consciousness – The Great Discourse on Life (Part 2)