The Higher Self Energy is Too Strong – I Fall Asleep in Meditation

Friday, December 27th, 2024
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Satsang with the Self
Video: 615
Date:November 23, 2022
Title: The Higher Self Energy is Too Strong – I Fall Asleep in Meditation
Running Time: 47:36

The Higher Self Energy is Too Strong – I Fall Asleep in Meditation

Do you have difficulty staying awake during a Higher Self channeling? Why is the Higher Self energy strong enough to cause someone to lose consciousness and fall asleep during meditation? Are we still receiving the Higher Self energy if we are sleeping during meditation?

Let’s ask the Higher Self what happens to us during a Higher Self channeling that can cause someone to fall asleep. Even advanced meditators can have difficulty staying awake during a Higher Self meditation because the Higher Self energy is very powerful. Why does this happen? What is happening in the brain when we connect to the Higher Self?

Learn about the many changes that happen inside you while you are receiving a Higher Self channeling or using a Higher Self guided meditation.

The brain undergoes specific changes when more Higher Self energy is channeled through the crown chakra. The nervous system also raises it’s vibration when we connect to the Higher Self. Sometimes emotional healing and energy upgrades are happening when the Higher Self energy goes deeper into the mind and psyche.

Are you wondering if you still get the benefits of the Higher Self energy and information if you fall asleep during the meditation? What happens when we fall asleep during a Higher Self channeling?

Let’s dive into this interesting topic and understand more about the many changes that happen when we connect with the Higher Self.

Blessings and Love.


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