New Higher Self Inner Circle: Effortless Awakening: Creating an Environment to Support Spiritual Growth
Your childhood experiences have the strongest determination for your mental health. More than any other factors, early childhood experiences determine how happy we will be as adults. Become like a child again to re-create yourself as an adult.
Satsang with the Self Topics | September 11, 2024
Learn everything you need to know to create a daily affirmation practice in this week’s Higher Self channeling.
Satsang with the Self Topics | September 4, 2024
Let’s invite the Higher Self to share a message and meditation that serves our highest good at this moment in time for this week’s Higher Self channeling.
Satsang with the Self Topics | August 28, 2024
It’s been a few months since we’ve asked the Higher Self to share a message and teachings of it’s choice. This week, let’s open ourselves to receive what the Higher Self wants to share with us.
Satsang with the Self Topics | August 21, 2024
Why do angels appear in physical form to intervene in our experiences – often saving us from terrible fates? How is this possible? Why do angels save some people but not others? Explore the topic angels appearing in our world during this week’s Higher Self channeling.
Satsang with the Self Topics | August 14, 2024
Remote viewing shows us the future to predict events that have not yet happened. How does remote viewing work? Can these claims be trusted? If everyone is viewing our future, shouldn’t all predictions be the same?
Satsang with the Self Topics | August 7, 2024
August 8 is 8/8 Lion’s Gate. Receive a Higher Self channeling to understand and use the significance of this day. The Higher Self will guide a meditation for the Lion’s Gate to increase manifestation success and spiritual awakening.
Satsang with the Self Topics | July 31, 2024
Receive 1 hour of Higher Self guided meditations: prayer for world peace, silent mind, open heart meditation, connect to your Higher Self.
Satsang with the Self Topics | July 23, 2024
Understand, work with and heal the sadness and grief that we experience with the loss of a loved one in this week’s Higher Self channeling.
Satsang with the Self Topics | July 17, 2024
This weekend, President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt. Can the Higher Self provide information about this event, such as why it happened, who is behind it, why did he survive it and how is this going to affect the world?
Satsang with the Self Topics | July 10, 2024
Why do we hold onto things that do not serve our highest good? How can we identify the things that we are holding onto that are limiting our happiness, success and spiritual growth?
Higher Self channeled masterclass to master your mind’s spiritual power is now open
Higher Self channeled masterclass to master your mind’s spiritual power using prayer, mantra, devotion and mindfulness is now open.
Higher Self Master Class on Prayer, Mantra, Devotion & Mindfulness Begins on Sunday
The new Higher Self masterclass begins on Sunday July 7. Study and master four powerful spiritual practices: prayer, mantra, devotion and mindfulness.
Satsang with the Self Topics | July 3, 2024
Why is it that every time I am working towards a goal, I have obstacles and I can’t seem to get around my obstacles? Get the Higher Self’s answer in this week’s Satsang with the Self.
Change the World & Help Humanity this Summer | Spiritual Masterclass
Prayer, mantra, devotion and mindfulness are considered the most powerful techniques of the mind to manifest change in our lives. Master these spiritual methods with the Higher Self guidance in the next 3 month masterclass by Channel Higher Self.
Satsang with the Self Topics | June 26, 2024
Should we always meditate in complete silence or does using music to meditate help us? In what ways does music improve our meditation, mind and emotions? When is music not helpful? Explore meditation and music in this week’s channeling.