Create More Love with Higher Consciousness Relationships | Channeled Master Class

Thursday, March 14th, 2024
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Explore, learn and master how you relate to other people in the next Higher Self Inner Circle.  Starting in April, journey into yourself to understand the emotional patterns driving your relationships – romantic, family, friendship and career.  Perform shadow work to discover your limiting beliefs and unhealthy emotional patterns preventing you from greater love and happiness.

Receive channeled energy practices to cleanse, heal and awaken your chakras – the emotional energy centers that make up your psyche. Your human personality is a structure of energy and you can transform it using Higher Self channeled frequencies of emotional energy.

Channeled teachings will help you to understand the deep beliefs you have about yourself and other people that play out as the roles that manifest in your relationship.  Channeled wisdom from the higher dimensions will guide you to replace your limiting beliefs with empowering, love-based ideas that truly support your greatest happiness.

If you are ready to take raise the vibration of your human relationships with channeled wisdom from the higher spiritual dimensions, join the Higher Self in this 90 day masterclass.

Visit Join the Higher Self Inner Circle to register. This masterclass being April 7, 2024.


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