Channeled Energy Activation – Experience the Perfection of God Right Now
Satsang with the Self
Video: 577
Date: June 2, 2022
Title: Channeled Energy Activation – Experience the Perfection of God Right Now
Running Time: 27:15
Channeled Energy Activation – Experience the Perfection of God Right Now
In every moment you are perceiving the complete expression of God. Realize the meaning of these powerful words in this channeled energy activation channeled by the Higher Self.
Receive a channeled energy activation that awakens your Spiritual Heart and opens your crown chakra to greater states of God realization. In every moment, you are existing inside of God Consciousness. You are within the infinite intelligence and unlimited creative power of God right now. Can you understand the magnitude of this wisdom? How will your life change when you live with this wisdom?
Genuine spiritual wisdom changes us at deep levels. We wake up and live a life with purpose. Our minds and hearts open. We feel more centered and complete within ourselves. There are many remarkable changes that happen when wisdom enters us.
Receive a Higher Self channeled energy activation that invites you into the wisdom of knowing the perfection of God’s creation. Right now, everything is the perfection of God. Right now, you and all that you perceive is God’s perfect expression. Feel this. Surrender into this. Change yourself with this wisdom.
Blessings and Love.