Channel Spiritual Love Energy to End Suffering and Heal Our World

Saturday, October 14th, 2023
Posted by

Satsang with the Self
Video: 561
Date: March 3, 2022
Title: Channel Spiritual Love Energy to End Suffering and Heal Our World
Running Time: 1:20:50

Channel Spiritual Love Energy to End Suffering and Heal Our World

Experience a 35 minute channeled energy healing meditation followed by a channeled teaching to help our world. We can increase peace, love and cooperation to end the wars, violence, conflict and suffering in our world.

Receive a channeled meditation guided by the Higher Self. This meditation connects you to your spiritual Self and then expands this connection to your Higher Self. Higher spiritual energies like eternal peace and Divine Love are channeled into your body and then out into the world.

We are all creators of our reality. The frequencies we create with our minds fill our emotional energy bodies and our physical bodies. The spiritual energy you add to your body is now part of the world and will help to raise the vibration of our world to create healing. We all can help to heal this world by channeling healing energy into ourselves and into this world.

This is a powerful Higher Self channeling – complete with a guided energy healing meditation and teaching. Raise your vibration with the support and guidance of the Higher Self. Help all of humanity awaken beyond confusion, violence and suffering. Help our world shift into peace, love and harmony in this channeled message.

Blessings and Love.



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