Why did God create suffering? What is the true reason we suffer?

Friday, September 16th, 2022
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Satsang with the Self
Video: 518
Date: July 22, 2021
Title: Why did God create suffering? What is the true reason we suffer?
Running Time: 40:36

Why did God create suffering? What is the true reason we suffer?

If everything is God and everything is the creation of God’s Love, then why do we suffer? Dive deep into an exploration of your reality and God’s perfect design of life to discover the cause of human suffering.

Human suffering has been one of the greatest puzzles for thousands of years. Religions and philosophers have attempted to answer the question “why do we suffer?”. We have countless books and speeches that examine human suffering.

Some religions, philosophies and spiritual teachings state that there is no solution to suffering – that suffering is a permanent and unavoidable part of being human. Yet others say that suffering can be overcome and total bliss is our true state. Which ones are accurate? Is suffering permanent? Can suffering be removed?

In this Higher Self channeling we learn a higher perspective from a universal level of wisdom.

The Higher Self is a multidimensional state of consciousness that directly experiences the perfection of God and all life everywhere. Receiving the Higher Self’s words and energy invites us into a higher state of human consciousness that has more wisdom, oneness, love and personal creative power. The more we enter the Higher Self state, the more our limited human understanding evolves and the more happiness we experience.

We all have the Higher Self within us as our inner teacher and greatest wisdom. Relax into the energy of your Spiritual Heart and open your mind to receive from your Higher Self.

Blessings and Love.



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