Closed Eye Meditation vs Open Eye Meditation: The Benefits of Both

Saturday, September 16th, 2023
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Satsang with the Self
Video: 557
Date: February 10, 2022
Title: Closed Eye Meditation vs Open Eye Meditation: The Benefits of Both
Running Time: 1:14:34

Closed Eye Meditation vs Open Eye Meditation: The Benefits of Both

Did you know that closed eye meditation and open eye meditation have different benefits? Know when to use each meditation to benefit the most.

Meditating with eyes closed has different benefits than open eye meditation. Closed eye meditation opens your inner mind and helps with remote viewing, astral projection, out of body experience and opening the third eye. Awakening the inner mind and third eye are advanced meditation practices – but meditating with closed eyes too soon will have negative effects. If the mind has not been quieted properly, then closed eye meditation will cause increased day dreaming and getting lost in thought.

Open eye meditation has unique benefits that are different than closed eye meditation. Staying grounded, having inner peace, improved concentration and super learning are some of the great benefits of open eye meditation.

This Higher Self channeling will help you to know when to use each style of meditation so that you may benefit the most from your spiritual practices.

Blessings and Love.


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