Follow Your Heart’s Desire to the Best of Your Ability | Higher Self Message
Satsang with the Self
Video: 616
Date: December 1, 2022
Title: Follow Your Heart’s Desire to the Best of Your Ability | Higher Self Message
Running Time: 1:00:20
Follow Your Heart’s Desire to the Best of Your Ability | Higher Self Message
Manifesting the life you want doesn’t have to be difficult. Stop chasing emotional highs and learn to let your Spiritual Heart energy to direct you. Emotions and thoughts do not have the same manifestation energy as your Spiritual Heart.
Manifesting the life you desire is a nonphysical science. Everything is energy vibrating. Like attracts like. Spiritual energy vibrates at a higher frequency than emotions and thoughts. The more you are connected to your Spiritual Heart, the more spiritual energy you channel into your life and the easier manifesting the perfect life becomes.
Your Higher Self is constantly helping you. Connect with your Higher Self to maximize the success you have in your life.
The design of life guarantees that you attract what you express with your thoughts and emotions. The challenge every person has is learning how to stay heart-centered when the world challenges us and our human mind reacts with loud thoughts and strong emotions.
This Channel Higher Self message will help you. Learn how to connect to your Spiritual Heart and to stay connected when life becomes challenging. Discern the difference between human emotion and spiritual energy. Understand how thoughts are different than intuition. Trust your journey as you create it from a new place of heart-centered reality.
Blessings and Love.