Become the Open, Empty, Silent Space of Perception in this Channeled Meditation
Satsang with the Self
Video: 576
Date:May 26, 2022
Title: Become the Open, Empty, Silent Space of Perception in this Channeled Meditation
Running Time: 13:03
Become the Open, Empty, Silent Space of Perception in this Channeled Meditation
Receive a 10 minute channeled meditation taking you deeper into your state of eternal consciousness. You are the open, empty, silent space of perception. Experience this and free yourself from the human mind and ego.
You are an eternal state of consciousness. You exist forever as an empty space of intelligence awareness. Filling your awareness is the creative energy of the universe. We are all God Consciousness and this is the reality of ourselves as souls.
Channeling is a process that expands our consciousness beyond the 3D human reality into the multidimensional external reality of consciousness. I channel the Higher Self and communicate messages and energies from the nonphysical reality. These Channel Higher Self teachings are designed to accelerate your spiritual awakening by connecting you to your Higher Self state.
Use these channeled teachings and meditations to support your spiritual awakening. The more that you connect to your Higher Self, the easier and more enjoyable your spiritual awakening will be.
Blessings and Love.
I started getting messages from my patients from the other side in nursing school. After a head injury, Jesus healed me but told me the mental side effects would take longer. Yesterday my doctor released me to work as a nurse in low stress environments but hospice had my heart for 22 years. Channeling was a side benefit to scheduling knowledge of time of deaths and life issues preventing a peaceful crossing. Now I have had relief from my late his on the first channel exercise, so what’s next. I believe my first poetry book was channeled but not sure what service to others I may do like Reiki or Zen Shiatsu or channeling??