The Deception of Spiritual Enlightenment – False Ideas and Misunderstanding

Monday, August 5th, 2024
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Satsang with the Self
Video: 596
Date: September 1, 2022
Title: The Deception of Spiritual Enlightenment – False Ideas and Misunderstanding
Running Time: 18:36

The Deception of Spiritual Enlightenment – False Ideas and Misunderstanding

How is a person changed after spiritual enlightenment? Are they living a completely new reality? Sometimes people who claim to be enlightened do not appear to be different. They still have their old personality patterns, habits and behaviors.

If someone is truly enlightened then we should see a profound change in their personality. Right? Why are some people saying they are enlightened but they don’t seem to be different?

The Higher Self examines the effects of spiritual enlightenment from a higher state of consciousness. The different types and levels of spiritual enlightenment are explained. Each level of enlightenment changes a person in a different way.

Navigate your spiritual journey with greater accuracy by understanding spiritual enlightenment from the Higher Self perspective.

Blessings and Love.


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