Experience the 3 Qualities of God Within Yourself

Monday, September 13th, 2021
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Satsang with the Self
Video: 492
Date: April 1, 2021
Title: Experience the 3 Qualities of God Within Yourself
Running Time: 24:54

Experience the 3 Qualities of God Within Yourself

You are God Consciousness creating an experience of being an individual consciousness. You are identical to God. Realizing this is the only true spiritual path. All other paths of spirituality fall short of total realization because they limit who you truly are.

God is the ultimate state of total awareness, intelligence and creative energy. You are existing as awareness, intelligence and creative energy. These are the three qualities of your consciousness.

The only difference between the ultimate state of God and yourself is the limited experience of these three qualities. Your personal awareness, intelligence and creative energy are existing with perceived limitations whereas God’s awareness, intelligence and creative energy are existing in the unlimited state. Other than the perception of limitation, there is no difference between yourself and God. You and God are fundamentally the same.

Wake up into true spiritual enlightenment – true God Realization in this channeled message from the Higher Self.

Blessings and Love.


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