Do All Spiritual Experiences Reveal Spiritual Truth?
Satsang with the Self
Video: 585
Date: July 7, 2022
Title: Do All Spiritual Experiences Reveal Spiritual Truth?
Running Time: 19:54
Do All Spiritual Experiences Reveal Spiritual Truth?
Meditation and plant medicine give us powerful experiences. How do we know if it’s the ego or actual spiritual truth. Are these duality or non-duality? What experiences contain truth and what do not?
Explore the topic of spiritual truth, enlightenment and transcendental mystical experiences in this channeled teaching by the Higher Self.
Non-duality teaches us to not seek temporary mystical experiences but instead seek the truth. But other spiritual paths, like tantra and plant medicine, emphasize the importance of non-physical states, raising our vibration and out of body traveling. There appears to be a split in spirituality as different paths use different practices and state the importance of different experiences.
Examine these topics of truth and illusion, non-duality and duality, temporary mystical experiences and spiritual truth in this Higher Self channeling.
Blessings and Love.