Becoming the Emptiness of Self – A Channeled Higher Self Meditation
Satsang with the Self
Video: 606
Date: October 12, 2022
Title: Becoming the Emptiness of Self – A Channeled Higher Self Meditation
Running Time: 18:45
Becoming the Emptiness of Self – A Channeled Higher Self Meditation
Receive a Higher Self channeled meditation that guides you into the emptiness of your consciousness. The foundation of the Self is empty, silent, still and spacious perception. Experience the depth of your consciousness in this guided meditation.
Long periods of silence accompanied by relaxing guidance carries you into a silent mind, peaceful emotions and spacious awareness.
This is a perfect meditation to calm, quiet and empty yourself.
Take the time to go within and discover the emptiness of your Self in this Higher Self channeled meditation.
Blessings and Love.