10 Minute Higher Self Meditation: Third Eye Ajna AUM / OM Mantra
AUM / OM is the mantra syllable sound for the Ajna Chakra / Third Eye Chakra. Working with the AUM / OM mantra is one of the most powerful techniques in spirituality.
New Higher Self Empowerment CD: From Fear to Love
Fear is an energy and like any energy, it must be understood to be effectively worked within. Get the knowledge and tools necessary to master you fear, transforming it into love.
10 Minute Higher Self Meditation: Ujjayi “Victory” Breath
Practice one of yoga and tantra’s most powerful breathing techniques: the Ujjayi Breath or Victory Breath. Ujjayi means victory. This breathing technique gives you victory over your mind.
Learn Authentic Meditation – Workshop – Zurich, July 20, 2013
The meditation instruction provided will be a unique combination of ancient methods from Yoga, Kundalini and forest dwelling Buddhism (pre-monastic era), along with the Higher Self knowledge and guidance.
Awaken Inner Peace in a World of Change: Mind & Emotion Mastery – Workshop – London, July 7, 2013
Using a combination of knowledge and methods from many ancient schools and the Higher Self teachings , you will be learn how to successfully control your mind and experience unshakable inner peace.
Higher Self Guided Personal Transformation – Step 16: Fasting to Awaken Your Body’s Intelligence
Your body is designed to operate in a state of perfection – without blocks, confusion, disease or suffering. But few people have truly mastered this process. To bring you closer to the state of perfect health, this video teaches humanity’s most ancient and effective physical health technique: fasting.
Kundalini activation practices. Which are best. Which are dangerous.
There many different teachings, techniques, and methods. What are the best kundalini awakening practices to use? How doe they work?
From Fear to Love: Working with Fear’s Transformational Power CD
A new self-help CD to teach you how to work with the energy of fear. Shift from limitation to mastery. Become empowered to change your life and achieve your goals. Grow from fear to Love.
Easy, Direct & Powerful Steps for Total Transformation. Meditation to Enlightenment
Step-by-step learn how to transform yourself through the most important spiritual practice – authentic meditation. Learn how meditation works to remove all suffering, stress, confusion and pain.
Spiritual Help: Emotional Trauma & Physical Toxins Cause Mental Illness & Schizophrenia
Learn how severe emotional suffering and mental illness is caused by past emotional trauma and physical environmental toxins. Learn how anyone can removes these from one’s mind and body to restore inner peace and happiness.
Heal Depression. Remove Thoughts of Suicide. Be Free From Suffering Right Now.
You cannot change your past, but you can create your future right now. Learn how to work with your mind and emotions to heal your past and create the happiness, peace and love that you desire. With the knowledge and tools in this video you will be able to more easily step out of dysfunctional emotions and limiting thought. Use these affirmations to create positive change in your life.
21st Century Shamanism: How to experience non-physical dimensions
Learn how you can access the dream world, astral dimension, spirit world and other side in your own meditations. Shaman journey to our non-physical dimension to explore reality and for personal healing.
21st Century Shamanism: Erase Your Personal History
The core to spiritual freedom is the removal of the personal ego. This requires the removal of our identification with our personal history and our beliefs. By the end of this video teaching you will have all the tools and information that you need to free yourself from your mind.
21st Century Shamanism: Contemplate Death for Clarity and Freedom
Death is a human being’s deepest fear. It is a root chakra fear. By contemplating our own mortality and death we instantly create clarity about our life. We empower ourselves for personal freedom and faster spiritual awakening.
Sexual Energy Cultivation & Mastery: Brahmacharya, Tantra, Soul Travel, Bliss
This is a 2 hour 20 minute teaching on Brahmacharya, spiritual celibacy, Tantra, Taoist sexual energy practices, sexual energy cultivation, Kundalini awakening, Kundalini energy practices, Soul travel, out of body experiences, romantic relationships, and spiritual enlightenment. Topics are covered in-depth with the focus on personal experience and knowledge not usually found in books and public teachings.
How to remove physical pain and emotional suffering with meditation
Remove physical pain and emotional suffering during meditation and in life. Often during our meditation and in life we experience pain in our mind, emotions and body. Learn how you can effectively understand and heal these undesirable experiences in a way that is truly healthy.