Remote Viewing / Open Third Eye (Ajna Chakra) Measured Brain EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Modern scientific equipment can measure what happens in the brain when experiencing awakened spiritual states of higher consciousness. We now have proof that spiritual experiences are real and not imaginary. Watch as I open my third eye and remote view a physical location in Sedona.
Leave Behind Fear, Doubt and Disempowering Thoughts and Emotions. Create Centered in Truth.
No longer get pulled into thoughts and emotions that create disempowering patterns of past conditioning. Learn how to stay centered in your true expression – an empowered, successful, joyous creator.
Meditation and Spiritual Energy to Remove the Evil Energies Around you that are Harming you
Receive a Higher Self channeling to help remove evil energies that are affecting your life. Raise your vibration and cleanse your energy system of unwanted dark energies and low vibration people and spirits.
Conscious Conversations with Lincoln and Lisa – Masculine and Feminine Spiritual Practices
Did you know that there are different spiritual practices for men and for women? Learn about the masculine and feminine parts of the human psyche and energy system and which practices are most effective for men and women.
Conscious Conversations with Lincoln and Lisa – How to Truly Forgive
Filled with quality information, techniques and a guided meditation to help you truly forgive yourself and others. Let Lisa and Lincoln share what they have learned in their 30+ years on the spiritual path as students, teachers and guides for others.
How to Keep Your Heart Open to Yourself When Life is Difficult
God designed your entire life and all of it’s experiences as your spiritual path. Meditating, while helpful, is not the path to enlightenment. Meditation is a tool. The path is living the journey of your life.
Creating Higher Consciousness Relationships – Perceiving Love As Your Existence
earn a unique and rare technique to quickly enter into a state without thoughts, then expand your Spiritual Heart with Divine Love. An open Heart with a silent mind creates the genuine bliss of oneness. Everything is Love.
Mind Mastery: Become More Aware While Awake
True spiritual practice creates the expansion of one’s state of awareness. We become more aware and the thoughts stop, the emotional reactions stop and the energy of life increases.
Mind Mastery: Stopping a Wild Mind
When your mind is acting crazy, do not fight it – go beyond it! Learn a technique that quickly settles all thoughts and emotions with ease, returning you to peaceful stillness, in this channeled Higher Self teaching.
Connect to Your Higher Self – A 3 hour workshop with Lincoln Gergar
Learn how to connect to your Higher Self in this 3 hour workshop by Lincoln Gergar – YouTube’s most popular Higher Self channel.
Remove Emotional Blocks: Stop Emotional Panic, Fear & Crisis
Learn 2 fast and effective techniques to stop emotional panic, fear and crisis in this Higher Self video teaching. Learn why strong emotions like anxiety, panic, fear and crisis happen. Learn what you can do to quickly transform yourself back into peace.
Remove Emotional Blocks: Structure with Spiritual Practices
Having a daily spiritual practice provides many benefits in addition to what a technique creates. A structured approach to living creates balance, support, mental clarity, confidence, and peace.
Remove Emotional Blocks: Conquer Spiritual Superiority
Video #3 of the Higher Self mini-series on Emotional Healing teaches us how to rise above emotional identification to reach true Oneness. It is common along the spiritual path to awakening that a student forms an identification with being “spiritual”. This creates a block that separates you from your goals.
2 Workshops – Oct 25: Find Your Life Purpose; Oct 26: Higher Self Immersion
The Higher Self returns to Atlanta, Georgia for two powerful channeled workshops. Participate in Atlanta or online with Skype.
Removing Psychological Masks that Block our Happiness, Peace and Love
People wear psychological masks. Our masks hide the emotions we feel to present a false self to others. We suffer deep within. Our thoughts and emotions are painful. Learn why we wear masks and what we can do to remove them.
2 Workshops: April 5: Removing Stress; April 6: Day of Meditation (Altanta, GA)
Work with Lincoln Gergar, YouTube’s Higher Self channel in Atlanta, GA and on Skype. Topics are Stress Removal and A Day of Deep Meditation and Energy Work.