Leave Behind Fear, Doubt and Disempowering Thoughts and Emotions. Create Centered in Truth.
Satsang with the Self
Video: 382
Date: January 20, 2020
Title: Leave Behind Fear, Doubt and Disempowering Thoughts and Emotions. Create Centered in Truth.
Running Time: 15:34
Leave Behind Fear, Doubt and Disempowering Thoughts and Emotions. Create Centered in Truth.
No longer get pulled into thoughts and emotions that create disempowering patterns of past conditioning. Learn how to stay centered in your true expression – an empowered, successful, joyous creator.
Let this channeled teaching by the Higher Self help you to realize and constantly experience your true self. This video will help you to master your human journey by learning how to:
– Stay centered in your heart during difficult situations.
– Never doubt yourself.
– Stop believing believe in less than optimal experiences.
– Always trust you can have your heart’s desires.
– Always trust in happiness inside you and happy experiences around you.
In addition to providing guidance and motivation, this Higher Self video teaches you how to use empowering messages to re-center yourself. Learn techniques to reconnect to your inner truth and personal power when having difficulty in life. Learn how to clear difficult emotions from your body. Learn how to empty your mind of thoughts of fear, doubt and disempowerment.
You are the most important person you will ever know. You are the most powerful creator you will ever find. Awaken your potential by centering yourself in the truth of who you are and freeing yourself of all forms of disempowerment.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
body, channel, channeled, chi, emotions, empowerment, guidance, happiness, happy, higher self, learn, life, light, love, master, mind, power, satsang, self, successful, teach, teaching, technique, thought, thoughts, true, truth, video