Purchase any of the Higher Self Inner Circle Cycles
Now available – Purchase any of the past Higher Self Inner Circle cycles. Receive all 13 weeks of videos and audio files and experience the 3-month Higher Self guided journey of awakening.
Stop Projecting onto People. Remove the Ego Pattern | Higher Self Inner Circle Relationship Mastery
In this lesson on Mastery of Human Relationships, the Higher Self shows us how we project our own limiting beliefs onto other people. Every problem we have with other people is actually a something we have yet to honor and love about ourselves.
Higher Self Sedona & Zoom Online Retreat begins on Thursday May 6, 2021
Mastery of the 4 Elemental Energies that create your human reality can be yours. Join this Higher Self channeled retreat online using Zoom or in person in Sedona, Arizona USA.
Spring 2021 Week 2: The World is Neutral, You Create the Meaning. Create True Happiness in Your Life
Receive 40 hours of channeled teachings to help you create mastery in your human relationships. The Higher Self is your inner guidance and highest level of intuition. Learn how to connect with your Higher Self to create happy, healthy, loving relationships.
Join the Higher Self for a 4 Day Channeled Retreat – Mastery of the 4 Elemental Energies
Learn how to work with the power of your mind and your internal energies to manifest the experiences you desire in your life. Whether creating spiritual enlightenment, a happier psyche, healthier relationships or physical experiences you desire, creating with the 4 elemental energies is the process.
Inner Circle Week 1: The Primary Relationship is Self and Other, Inner and Outer Reality, I AM That
Receive 40 hours of channeled teachings and practices that improve your relationships using spiritual wisdom and methods for awakening in the Higher Self Inner Circle. Presented here is the first video (week 1 of 13) of the Higher Self Inner Circle on Relationship Mastery.
Higher Self Inner Circle on Relationship Mastery begins in a few days. Register now.
Relationships are the most important part of the human experience – especially in spirituality. Relationships are were we see the clearest reflection of our awakening. Relationships challenge us to help us grow into more heart-centered creators.
Higher Self Retreat in Sedona, Arizona ~ May 6-9, 2021
Join Lincoln the channel for Higher Self in a 4-day retreat in the magical Sedona, Arizona USA. Receive 6 hours of channeled teachings and energy practices each day.
Relationship Mastery – Communication and Energy Skills to Cocreate Happiness | Higher Self Inner Circle – Spring 2021
The next Higher Self Inner Circle has been announced. Learn from the Higher Self about the energy of relationships, why we attract the people we do, how to attract better relationships, how to improve communication, how to channel emotional energy to while communicating, and more.
Knowledge & Practices to Successfully Receive Your Desires | Higher Self Inner Circle – Winter 2021
The final step to successfully create your desires in your life is to allow yourself to receive without fear, guilt, shame or jealousy. Unworthiness – the belief of not being worthy to receive what you desire – is at the core of this final step.
New Higher Self Retreat in Sedona, AZ – Registration ends tomorrow
Tomorrow, Monday, February 15th, is the last day to register for my new Higher Self retreat in Sedona, Arizona. Register today to join in the Higher Self energies.
Channeled Message – What is the purpose of fear in the human reality?
Fear is the most misunderstood part of the human experience. Gain an in depth, accurate understanding of fear and why it is the most important emotion to master in this human reality.
January 3 to March 28 – Manifesting the Experiences You Desire in your Physical Reality
Join the next Higher Self Inner Circle cycle that teaches you how to manifest the experience you want in your life. Receive over 40 hours of teachings, guided meditations and manifestation practices to help live as a masterful creator.
Use this Practice to Fill Your Energy Field with the Frequency of Divine Love
We are teaching you, Dear One, how to use the power of your mind to generate an understanding that becomes your vibration. Receive a Higher Self channeling that aligns your energy system to the frequency of blissful Divine Love.
Practice Feeling Yourself as the Expanded Consciousness and Watch What Happens
Transform yourself in this simple channeled message. Do you want to be a master in your reality? Do you want to understand why things are happening in your life? Do you want to know how to create the experiences you desire to have?
AnaAkun Interview – How to become your own master creator?
Become the master of your own life by expanding your awareness and intelligence inside your body and brain. Listen to Lincoln’s experience and guidance to help anyone experience a more empowered, happy human life.