Use this Practice to Fill Your Energy Field with the Frequency of Divine Love
Satsang with the Self
Video: 460
Date: November 5, 2020
Title: Use this Practice to Fill Your Energy Field with the Frequency of Divine Love
Running Time: 22:25
Use this Practice to Fill Your Energy Field with the Frequency of Divine Love
We are teaching you, Dear One, how to use the power of your mind to generate an understanding that becomes your vibration. Receive a Higher Self channeling that aligns your energy system to the frequency of blissful Divine Love in this YouTube video.
You are the authority in your body and mind. You are the conscious creator. Follow this Higher Self guided meditation to experience yourself as this consciousness creator so that you can easily raise your vibration into a state of blissful happiness.
Consciousness creation of your energy body frequency is an easy process to master. This channeling will help you understand this process and also guide you in a meditation that will raise your energy body’s vibration.
There are many ways to easily work with our minds to change our reality. Shifting vibration is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve the quality of our human life.
All of the power you need is already within you. Simply work with your mind in a proven way and you will experience the rewards. I wish you the best.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
bliss, body, change, channel, channeling, chi, consciousness, creation, divine, energy, guide, guided meditation, happiness, higher self, life, love, master, meditation, mind, power, practice, satsang, self, teach, teaching, video