Channel Higher Spiritual Energies into Your Physical Reality to Transform Your Body’s Health
You can heal your body with nonphysical spiritual energies. Learn how to channel healing energy in this 3 month program taught by a higher dimensional consciousness (channeling). You will learn how to channel healing energy from higher spiritual dimensions and your Higher Self.
Heal Yourself and Heal Others with Spiritual Energy | A Channeled Online Course
Learn how to channel healing energy from higher spiritual dimensions into your physical body for healing. Improve your organ health, remove causes of disease and illness, heal your emotion, remove karmic blocks and create spiritual growth in this series of classes.
New Inner Circle Cycle begins July 2021 – Channel Healing Energies from Higher Dimensions
Learn how to channel healing energies from higher dimensions into your emotion energy system (chakras) and physical body for healing. Receive 13 energy healing methods and teachings about the process of physical and emotional healing. You will learn how to channel healing energy for yourself and for other people.
Learn how to Channel Healing Energy for Yourself and Others | Summer 2021 Higher Self Inner Circle
Each cycle we celebrate a new topic with the Higher Self. The Summer 2021 channeled teachings will guide you to develop your abilities to channel healing energy in yourself and for others. This 13 week cycle will be filled with information to help you understand the science of frequencies, energy channeling and energy healing.
Higher Self Channeling Measured with Brain EEG & Heart EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Brain EEG and Heart EEG measure what happens inside my body as I channel the Higher Self Consciousness. Brain activity in the crown chakra and third eye area increase. Maximum levels of happy and peaceful emotions are reached.
Stop Projecting onto People. Remove the Ego Pattern | Higher Self Inner Circle Relationship Mastery
In this lesson on Mastery of Human Relationships, the Higher Self shows us how we project our own limiting beliefs onto other people. Every problem we have with other people is actually a something we have yet to honor and love about ourselves.
Summer 2021 Higher Self Inner Circle – Learn 13 Energy Healing Practices
The Summer 2021 channeled teachings will guide you to develop your abilities to channel healing energy in yourself and for others. Join the Inner Circle to learn how to heal with energy.
When I focus on my Spiritual Heart in meditation, I feel emotional pain. Help!
Do you feel sadness, grief, fear or emotional pain when you focus on your heart? Is your meditation very uncomfortable? Do you feel you want to stop meditating because it’s too painful? Receive the Higher Self guidance to help you understand the cause of your emotional pain and the solution to healing it.
Understand the Unlimited Power You Have as a Free Will Creator of this Human Reality
You are the grand state of consciousness holding reality inside of yourself. You are a creator in your human reality. Receive a channeled message to help you more fully experience your unlimited creative power.
AnaAkun Interview – Can sound be used for enlightenment and healing?
Listen to Lincoln explain his experience with sound therapy, sound healing, using sound to enhance meditation and how sound can support our process of spiritual enlightenment in this AnaAkun interview.
Channeled Meditation to Align Yourself with the Truth of Who You Are
The world is changing. Every form of life is constantly changing and the rate of change is accelerating. This meditation will connect you to the part of yourself that never changes.
Use this Practice to Fill Your Energy Field with the Frequency of Divine Love
We are teaching you, Dear One, how to use the power of your mind to generate an understanding that becomes your vibration. Receive a Higher Self channeling that aligns your energy system to the frequency of blissful Divine Love.
You have been conditioned to believe that life must be a struggle. Change your understanding.
Do you understand how powerful you are? You have within yourselves the ability to choose any thought you wish, believe in it, give it its creative energy. Remove the conditioning that life must be a struggle. Remove the belief of opposition and empower the belief of cooperation.
Fill Your Reality with Empowering High Vibration Energy – Channeled Affirmation Practice
Use this high vibration affirmation practice daily to connect to your Higher Self to radiate your spiritual power to change your human reality. Feel the energy fill your mind, emotions and body with powerful energy of bliss, happiness and enthusiasm.
Your success is based upon one thing and one thing only – a Channeled Message
We all desire happiness. We all desire success. Your success is based upon one thing and one thing only. Receive channeled guidance to help you master your reality.
Feel Your Heart and Be at Peace – Higher Self Guidance Helps You Awaken
In nearly every Higher Self channeled message, you are instructed to feel your heart and peace at peace. Learn why this instruction from the Higher Self is so important. Learn how this simple act has the power to change everything in your life.