When I focus on my Spiritual Heart in meditation, I feel emotional pain. Help!
Satsang with the Self
Video: 475
Date: January 28, 2021
Title: When I focus on my Spiritual Heart in meditation, I feel emotional pain. Help!
Running Time: 32:56
When I focus on my Spiritual Heart in meditation, I feel emotional pain. Help!
Do you feel sadness, grief, fear or emotional pain when you focus on your heart? Is your meditation very uncomfortable? Do you feel you want to stop meditating because it’s too painful? Receive the Higher Self guidance to help you understand the cause of your emotional pain and the solution to healing it.
The heart area of our emotional body is where we feel sadness, grief, fear, panic, anxiety, and a few other emotions. If we focus on our chest and we notice uncomfortable emotions, we are feeling unresolved parts of our mind.
In this Higher Self video you are taught about the heart chakra and how it holds your emotional understanding. You can learn how to work with your chakras and emotions to create genuine, long-lasting healing and permanent psychological changes.
Also in the chest area is the Spiritual Heart. The Spiritual Heart is a deeper energy center than the emotional body and chakras. The Spiritual Heart is where you connect to your soul. Here you feel your greatest love and happiness.
At the center of the Higher Self Teachings is the Spiritual Heart and how to awaken it.
Learn from the channeled consciousness called the Higher Self. Receive helpful information and supportive guidance to make your spiritual journey of awakening easy and fun.
This Video is Tagged With:
body, chakra, change, channel, channeled, chi, consciousness, emotions, energy, guidance, happiness, heal, healing, higher self, learn, love, meditation, mind, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, teach, teaching, video
Just want to thank you for all this and making it so available/accessible. I listen to many of these, usually in bed, and go to sleep with them, and then I don’t get round to leaving a message.So hereby: Thank you very very much!