Purchase any of the Higher Self Inner Circle Cycles
Now available – Purchase any of the past Higher Self Inner Circle cycles. Receive all 13 weeks of videos and audio files and experience the 3-month Higher Self guided journey of awakening.
Channel Higher Spiritual Energies into Your Physical Reality to Transform Your Body’s Health
You can heal your body with nonphysical spiritual energies. Learn how to channel healing energy in this 3 month program taught by a higher dimensional consciousness (channeling). You will learn how to channel healing energy from higher spiritual dimensions and your Higher Self.
Heal Yourself and Heal Others with Spiritual Energy | A Channeled Online Course
Learn how to channel healing energy from higher spiritual dimensions into your physical body for healing. Improve your organ health, remove causes of disease and illness, heal your emotion, remove karmic blocks and create spiritual growth in this series of classes.
New Inner Circle Cycle begins July 2021 – Channel Healing Energies from Higher Dimensions
Learn how to channel healing energies from higher dimensions into your emotion energy system (chakras) and physical body for healing. Receive 13 energy healing methods and teachings about the process of physical and emotional healing. You will learn how to channel healing energy for yourself and for other people.
Mental Dynamite – Most Powerful Concepts for Personal Happiness and Spiritual Awakening
The Higher Self teaches many powerful concepts. What are the most important spiritual principles that Higher Self recommends we can live by? What ideas, affirmations or mantras are at the core of Higher Self teachings.
Learn how to Channel Healing Energy for Yourself and Others | Summer 2021 Higher Self Inner Circle
Each cycle we celebrate a new topic with the Higher Self. The Summer 2021 channeled teachings will guide you to develop your abilities to channel healing energy in yourself and for others. This 13 week cycle will be filled with information to help you understand the science of frequencies, energy channeling and energy healing.
Stop Projecting onto People. Remove the Ego Pattern | Higher Self Inner Circle Relationship Mastery
In this lesson on Mastery of Human Relationships, the Higher Self shows us how we project our own limiting beliefs onto other people. Every problem we have with other people is actually a something we have yet to honor and love about ourselves.
AnaAkun Interview – What does eternity mean to you? Do we exist for eternity?
Learn about the channel’s experience of eternity and existing as an eternal consciousness in this interview question. What is it like to know you are an eternal soul / eternal consciousness? How does experiencing your eternal nature influence how you create your life as a human being?
Trust the Creative Process – Your Natural Expression will Create Success
How can we improve our ability to trust in ourselves and that life will work out well for us? I find myself struggling with avoidance patterns because I don’t believe that I can receive the experiences I want.
Summer 2021 Higher Self Inner Circle – Learn 13 Energy Healing Practices
The Summer 2021 channeled teachings will guide you to develop your abilities to channel healing energy in yourself and for others. Join the Inner Circle to learn how to heal with energy.
Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest material things – money, wealth, objects
Receive the Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest successfully our material desires in this channeled video. Sexual energy is creative energy. Sexual energy is one of the misunderstood topics of the human experience.
Create Authentic Devotion to God. Create Devotional Energy in your Heart with the Higher Self.
When affirmations and visualization practices do not work, how can we create the energy of devotion to God. Devotional energy is a powerful heart-centered love for the Creator of life and the gift of life. Devotion is one of the paths to enlightenment and is central to the Higher Self teachings.
AnaAkun Interview – Where does our awareness go when we sleep?
What happens to our consciousness when we are sleeping? When we stop having awareness do we still exist? How can we learn how to stay aware in the sleep state?
Higher Self Sedona & Zoom Online Retreat begins on Thursday May 6, 2021
Mastery of the 4 Elemental Energies that create your human reality can be yours. Join this Higher Self channeled retreat online using Zoom or in person in Sedona, Arizona USA.
How You Understand Yourself Determines Your Life. You Create Your Reality.
You are the container of consciousness holding reality inside yourself. Every expression of yourself into the world is determined by who you think you are. Define yourself correctly to create your best life.
The Original Energy Creating You is Located in Your Spiritual Heart
With developed awareness you can watch the energy of your mind first arising in your Spiritual Heart and then moving up to your brain. The Spiritual Heart is the doorway for our eternal consciousness to enter into this human reality.