Learn how to Channel Healing Energy for Yourself and Others | Summer 2021 Higher Self Inner Circle
Each cycle we celebrate a new topic with the Higher Self. The Summer 2021 channeled teachings will guide you to develop your abilities to channel healing energy in yourself and for others. This 13 week cycle will be filled with information to help you understand the science of frequencies, energy channeling and energy healing. You will be taught many different methods to channel energy into your own energy body and physical body. You will also learn how to channel energy to help others.
The Higher Self Inner Circle is continuing its journey into reality with this new cycle on working with healing energy. Topics will include:
- how to connect to your Higher Self to receive higher dimension energy
- how to heal emotional trauma and karmic wounds
- how to support the body’s ability to heal itself by increasing energy flow into the nerves and cells
- how to feel nonphysical energy and see nonphysical light
- how to open the chakras and channels in the body that are specifically for healing energy
- how to protect your energy body from unwanted energies
- how to release unwanted energies
- how to ground your body to increase your ability to receive more energy
- receiving messages from our intuition and nonphysical guides
- the Universal laws related to the transfer of energy between life forms
- and more.
The purpose of the Inner Circle is to create a guided exploration into the most important aspects of the human experience. We awaken the most important areas of ourselves with the Higher Self assistance. We experience accelerated personal growth and lasting developmental change. As we evolve all the parts of our human reality, we naturally and easily gain entry into the higher dimensions of Higher Self Consciousness.
The Inner Circle is a powerful program designed at the highest spiritual level – the level of your Higher Self – to help you remember who you are as the eternal consciousness creating your personal reality. The channeled teachings and energy helps you awaken your full potential so that you may live a life that you truly love.
Join the Higher Self Inner Circle
Ready to take the next step in your Higher Self awakening? The Higher Self Inner Circle is a weekly live stream event where you receive in-depth teachings and advanced energy practices to help you awaken your full potential. This 3 month accelerated awakening program uses channeled Higher Self messages and energy. Each program follows a topic and each week builds upon the previous week. By the end of the 3 months you will have received over 40 hours of channeled teachings, over a dozen advanced practices and the support needed to take your life to the next level.
To learn more about this program and to join, visit Join the Higher Self Inner Circle
This Video is Tagged With:
body, chakra, change, channel, channeled, channeling, chi, consciousness, energy, guide, heal, healing, higher self, learn, life, light, love, method, power, practice, self, spirit, spiritual, teach, teaching