Purchase any of the Higher Self Inner Circle Cycles
Now available – Purchase any of the past Higher Self Inner Circle cycles. Receive all 13 weeks of videos and audio files and experience the 3-month Higher Self guided journey of awakening.
New Inner Circle Cycle begins July 2021 – Channel Healing Energies from Higher Dimensions
Learn how to channel healing energies from higher dimensions into your emotion energy system (chakras) and physical body for healing. Receive 13 energy healing methods and teachings about the process of physical and emotional healing. You will learn how to channel healing energy for yourself and for other people.
Learn how to Channel Healing Energy for Yourself and Others | Summer 2021 Higher Self Inner Circle
Each cycle we celebrate a new topic with the Higher Self. The Summer 2021 channeled teachings will guide you to develop your abilities to channel healing energy in yourself and for others. This 13 week cycle will be filled with information to help you understand the science of frequencies, energy channeling and energy healing.
Summer 2021 Higher Self Inner Circle – Learn 13 Energy Healing Practices
The Summer 2021 channeled teachings will guide you to develop your abilities to channel healing energy in yourself and for others. Join the Inner Circle to learn how to heal with energy.
Inner Circle Week 1: The Primary Relationship is Self and Other, Inner and Outer Reality, I AM That
Receive 40 hours of channeled teachings and practices that improve your relationships using spiritual wisdom and methods for awakening in the Higher Self Inner Circle. Presented here is the first video (week 1 of 13) of the Higher Self Inner Circle on Relationship Mastery.
Channeled Message to Expand Your Consciousness into Full Memory of Your God Self
Receive a Higher Self channeled message and meditation to align your mind and energy to awaken a direct experience of your deeper God-realized state.
Learn the Final Step that Makes Your Manifestations Successful
Stand in your greatness as the creator of your life and carry your creative desires into this physical reality. Overcome your mental conditioning of fear that makes you shrink yourself as a creator in this channeled teaching on successful manifestation.
Stop Spiritual Seeking. Relax and Give Yourself Permission to Be Yourself.
Stop trying to change yourself into a spiritual person. Your are doing more harm than good. Achieving happiness is easier than you think. Relax, open and allow the natural expression of yourself to flow.
Your life is a reflection of your ability to honor your Heart’s Blueprint
The amount of happiness we experience is directly related to how fully we honor our Heart’s blueprint. You have within yourself a genuine, authentic expression of who you are. Honor this.
You Wanted to Know… The Higher Self Says This is the Highest Spiritual Teaching
One of the most popular questions asked of any spiritual teacher and interdimensional channel is, “what is the highest spiritual teaching?” Receive the Higher Self’s answer to this important spiritual question.
This State Celebrates the ‘I Am’ and Everything is Included
Feel your Heart and realize the power of Creation shines through you. Before your mind changes your Heart energy into the different human emotions, you feel the I Am as bliss. Cultivate the wisdom that allows your mind to stay effortlessly silent and your Heart radiant and open.
A Detailed Examination of Letting Go – Remove All Resistance, Fear, Doubt and Insecurity
Are you desiring inner peace but struggling to find it? Letting go of unwanted thoughts and emotional reactions can be challenging. Learn how to make the process easier in this channeled message with 3 practical methods.
Learn how you are blocking your process of learning and creating a life you love
Success is blocked in 3 ways: impatience, doubt and fear. Do you want to experience a blissful, happy life? Wishing and wanting is not enough. There are precise steps that every successful person takes.
Join the Higher Self Inner Circle
Designed for the dedicated student of the Higher Self Teachings who wants to receive more advanced information, instruction, guided meditations and energy empowerments that create accelerated personal development and spiritual awakening.
New for 2020 – Higher Self Study Group
Trying to understand and apply the Higher Self Teachings in your own life? This new live streaming group gives you the opportunity to speak with Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self.
Stop Struggling Trying to Manifest with your Mind. Relax into the Energy of Success.
Explore the topic of conscious creations and manifesting with authenticity and ease. It is unnecessary to struggle when manifesting. We do not have to analyze and work through our psychological issues or challenges in the traditional way. Success can be much easier.