Your life is a reflection of your ability to honor your Heart’s Blueprint
Satsang with the Self
Video: 440
Date: September 3, 2020
Title: Your life is a reflection of your ability to honor your Heart’s Blueprint
Running Time: 28:25
Your life is a reflection of your ability to honor your Heart’s Blueprint
The amount of happiness we experience is directly related to how fully we honor our Heart’s blueprint. You have within yourself a genuine, authentic expression of who you are. Honor this. Express from your Heart and watch your life transform.
There are countless self-help ideas and numerous self-improvement practices. Spirituality is filled with concepts that promise happiness and methods to attain it.
Are ideas and methods the best way to experience happiness? Is there an easier and more effective way to live a happy life?
The answer is yes.
The external experiences in your life are a reflection of your alignment with yourself. When you are honoring yourself and expressing your genuine self in your thoughts, emotions, words and actions, your external life will become a truly happy experience.
The key to happiness is the ability to honor your Heart’s knowing, your Heart’s desires, and you the genuine expression of your Heart-centered self.
Learn from the Higher Self Consciousness in this channeled video teaching. We are all more than our physical bodies and human concepts. We are eternal beings of limitless intelligence and infinite potential. Experience more of your true self in these Higher Self Teachings.
Blessings and Love.
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authentic, channel, channeled, chi, consciousness, emotions, happiness, happy, higher self, learn, life, love, method, practice, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, teach, teaching, thought, thoughts, true, video