Browsing all posts tagged with video Archives - Channel Higher Self.

Purchase any of the Higher Self Inner Circle Cycles

August 9th, 2021 | 5 Comments

Now available – Purchase any of the past Higher Self Inner Circle cycles.  Receive all 13 weeks of videos and audio files and experience the 3-month Higher Self guided journey of awakening. 

Mental Dynamite – Most Powerful Concepts for Personal Happiness and Spiritual Awakening

June 22nd, 2021 | No Comments

The Higher Self teaches many powerful concepts. What are the most important spiritual principles that Higher Self recommends we can live by? What ideas, affirmations or mantras are at the core of Higher Self teachings.

Interview with Lincoln Gergar, Higher Self channel, and Alan Steinfield, author of Making Contact

June 21st, 2021 | No Comments

Alan Steinfeld, author of Making Contact: Preparing for the New Realities of Extraterrestrial Existence interviews Lincoln Gergar, a channel for Higher Self Consciousness, in this New Realities podcast.

Lincoln of Channel Higher Self with Jonathan Rickert | Measuring Unity Consciousness Brain EEG Study

June 19th, 2021 | No Comments

Lincoln, an advanced mediator, psychic and channel, had his brain studied to discover when happens during states of non-ordinary reality. Jonathan Rickert of Awareness Ascending and Lincoln of Channel Higher Self discuss what happens inside the brain when in altered states of higher consciousness.

Remote Viewing / Open Third Eye (Ajna Chakra) Measured Brain EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness

June 16th, 2021 | No Comments

Modern scientific equipment can measure what happens in the brain when experiencing awakened spiritual states of higher consciousness. We now have proof that spiritual experiences are real and not imaginary. Watch as I open my third eye and remote view a physical location in Sedona.

Higher Self Channeling Measured with Brain EEG & Heart EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness

June 16th, 2021 | No Comments

Brain EEG and Heart EEG measure what happens inside my body as I channel the Higher Self Consciousness. Brain activity in the crown chakra and third eye area increase. Maximum levels of happy and peaceful emotions are reached.

Scientific Evidence that Emotion is Conscious and Not Unconscious | Measuring Unity Consciousness

June 15th, 2021 | No Comments

Academic psychologists teach that emotions are automatic unconscious reactions and cannot be controlled. This is widely-accepted concept is wrong. See the evidence that we can control human emotion in this Brain EEG and Heart EEG experiment with Lincoln, a channel for Higher Self consciousness and the team of Awareness Ascending.

Stop Projecting onto People. Remove the Ego Pattern | Higher Self Inner Circle Relationship Mastery

June 15th, 2021 | No Comments

In this lesson on Mastery of Human Relationships, the Higher Self shows us how we project our own limiting beliefs onto other people. Every problem we have with other people is actually a something we have yet to honor and love about ourselves.

Higher Self examines Detachment and Non-Attachment – Spiritual Practices for Inner Peace

June 10th, 2021 | 1 Comment

The Higher Self is channeled to teach about detachment and non-attachment. These two popular spiritual teachings are examined from a higher dimension enlightened perspective. Receive clarity and support as you apply the state of non-self (anatta) or egoless experience.

Trust the Creative Process – Your Natural Expression will Create Success

June 3rd, 2021 | No Comments

How can we improve our ability to trust in ourselves and that life will work out well for us? I find myself struggling with avoidance patterns because I don’t believe that I can receive the experiences I want.

Summer 2021 Higher Self Inner Circle – Learn 13 Energy Healing Practices

May 29th, 2021 | No Comments

The Summer 2021 channeled teachings will guide you to develop your abilities to channel healing energy in yourself and for others. Join the Inner Circle to learn how to heal with energy.

Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest material things – money, wealth, objects

May 23rd, 2021 | No Comments

Receive the Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest successfully our material desires in this channeled video. Sexual energy is creative energy. Sexual energy is one of the misunderstood topics of the human experience.

Create Authentic Devotion to God. Create Devotional Energy in your Heart with the Higher Self.

May 12th, 2021 | 1 Comment

When affirmations and visualization practices do not work, how can we create the energy of devotion to God. Devotional energy is a powerful heart-centered love for the Creator of life and the gift of life. Devotion is one of the paths to enlightenment and is central to the Higher Self teachings.

How You Understand Yourself Determines Your Life. You Create Your Reality.

April 28th, 2021 | 1 Comment

You are the container of consciousness holding reality inside yourself. Every expression of yourself into the world is determined by who you think you are. Define yourself correctly to create your best life.

The Original Energy Creating You is Located in Your Spiritual Heart

April 16th, 2021 | No Comments

With developed awareness you can watch the energy of your mind first arising in your Spiritual Heart and then moving up to your brain. The Spiritual Heart is the doorway for our eternal consciousness to enter into this human reality.

AnaAkun Interview – Are there health consequences to nocturnal living?

April 14th, 2021 | 1 Comment

Is sleeping during the day and staying awake at night healthy? Is the human body designed to be nocturnal?