Scientific Evidence that Emotion is Conscious and Not Unconscious | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Academic psychologists teach that emotions are automatic unconscious reactions and cannot be controlled. This widely-accepted concept is wrong. See the evidence that we can control human emotion in this Brain EEG and Heart EEG experiment with Lincoln, a channel for Higher Self consciousness and the team of Awareness Ascending.
We are exploring human potential and educating the world on what is possible when genuine spiritual practices are used to transform a human being’s inner reality. Everything shown here is possible for any person. We all have the same potential. We only need to awaken it.
Watch another video from my brain, heart and body EEG session with Jonathan Rickert of Awareness Ascending. We measured what happens in my brain, heart, nervous system, and cardiovascular system (breath) while in relaxed awareness (non-meditative), while I meditate on the Spiritual Heart and while I channel the Higher Self. We will be sharing the data and explaining what we discovered on Friday June 18th. Register now for the Zoom live stream broadcast
Watch all of the presentations for Lincoln’s brain study
Lincoln Channel Higher Self & Jonathan Rickert | Brain EEG Study Advanced Meditation Channeling #1
– The first part of this video presentation. (1 hour 30 minutes)
Lincoln Channel Higher Self & Jonathan Rickert | Brain EEG Study Advanced Meditation Channeling #2
– The second part of this video presentation. (1 hour 30 minutes)
* Current video you are watching.
Lincoln of Channel Higher Self with Jonathan Rickert | Measuring Unity Consciousness Brain EEG Study
– This video is the Awareness Ascending podcast and in-person Sedona presentation. This is the first time the findings from this study were presented to an audience. Many key points were shared and questions were answered from the audience. (1 hour 20 minutes)
Watch the videos from Lincoln’s brain scan
- Proven Scientific Evidence of Kundalini Awakening
- Scientific Evidence that Emotion is Conscious and Not Unconscious
- Blissful I AM Presence Mindfulness Measured with Brain EEG
- Remote Viewing / Open Third Eye (Ajna Chakra) Measure Brain EEG
- Soul Travel in the Higher Dimensions Measured with Brain EEG
- Higher Self Channeling Measured with Brain EEG & Heart EEG
Special thanks to the Sedona Quantum Consciousness team
- Jonathan Rickert of Awareness Ascending |
- Alex Sanchez of Central Florida Bio Feedback |
- Mark Szymczak of Breathing Coach |
This Video is Tagged With:
awareness, body, brain, channel, consciousness, emotions, higher self, lincoln, mind, practice, self, session, spirit, spiritual, teach, video