Interview with Lincoln Gergar, Higher Self channel, and Alan Steinfield, author of Making Contact
Alan Steinfeld, author of Making Contact: Preparing for the New Realities of Extraterrestrial Existence interviews Lincoln Gergar, a channel for Higher Self Consciousness, in this New Realities podcast.
Higher Self Channeling Measured with Brain EEG & Heart EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Brain EEG and Heart EEG measure what happens inside my body as I channel the Higher Self Consciousness. Brain activity in the crown chakra and third eye area increase. Maximum levels of happy and peaceful emotions are reached.
Scientific Evidence that Emotion is Conscious and Not Unconscious | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Academic psychologists teach that emotions are automatic unconscious reactions and cannot be controlled. This is widely-accepted concept is wrong. See the evidence that we can control human emotion in this Brain EEG and Heart EEG experiment with Lincoln, a channel for Higher Self consciousness and the team of Awareness Ascending.
Proven Scientific Evidence of Kundalini Awakening | Measuring Unity Consciusness
Kundalini energy is real and it can be measured with scientific machines. Watch as I use my conscious mind to raise the kundalini in my entire nervous system and it’s shown on a live brain EEG and heart EEG monitor.
3 days until the Enlightenment Experience Retreat begins! Free online retreat – sign up now!
Your Divine Gifts and Soul’s Mission are ready to be fully activated. Access frequency upgrades, multi-dimensional activation, energy transmissions, divine channeling, the activation of your soul’s wealth codes and much more!
Your Soul Enlightenment Experience begins in 10 Days – Free Online Retreat
Join me in activating your soul’s mission and potential within the global, online retreat for awakened leaders. Activate your multi-dimensional potential, execute your soul’s mission and create a sensational impact on the world.
The Soul Enlightenment Experience – a free online spiritual video retreat
Your Divine Gifts and Soul’s Mission are ready to be fully activated. Access frequency upgrades, multi-dimensional activation, energy transmissions, divine channeling, the activation of your soul’s wealth codes and much more!
The Light Initiation – Powerful Transition into Divine Remembrance – Free 20 Day Online Retreat
In my upcoming video retreat, receive over 20 high impact, experiential and online light initiations to expand your being into your true divine potential. This free 20 day online retreat starts June 1st.
Go Fund Me – Higher Self’s Support Another Program is Now Live
I created this Go Fund Me program as a way to make my service available to people who have difficulty paying the full cost of a one-on-one Higher Self channeling session. Through this program, donators can help others to experience the benefit of a Higher Self channeling session.
New Changes are coming to Channel Higher Self next month
After 15 years of sharing Higher Self channeled messages on YouTube and working one-on-one to channel in private sessions, I am expanding my work. Starting in April 2020, I will begin offering new ways to interact.
Donation Policy Changes
For 15 years the Higher Self services have been offered at no cost or for a donation with no minimum amount. Because of the high demand of personal sessions and the time restriction that working at no minimum amount has created, I have created a new policy that will allow me to continue to expand my services.
Higher Self Channeling – Connect to Your Higher Self – Episode 42 They Call Us Channelers
Dive inside the mind and experience of Higher Self channel Lincoln Gergar in this video interview with Kevin Moore in his They Call Us Channelers docuseries.
Ask the Higher Self – How do I make more money?
Dissect the creative process of making money from beginning to end while including every important aspect. By the end of this video, you will know how to create a life of wealth, success, and happiness the Higher Self way.
Meditation and Spiritual Energy to Remove the Evil Energies Around you that are Harming you
Receive a Higher Self channeling to help remove evil energies that are affecting your life. Raise your vibration and cleanse your energy system of unwanted dark energies and low vibration people and spirits.
Lincoln Gergar with Vicki & Ray – Say Yes To Life Inspiring Consciousness
Say Yes to Life with Vicki & Ray as they interview Lincoln Gergar of Channel Higher Self for this full hour interview on Inspiring Consciousness. For an hour we discuss the awakening of consciousness, what has inspired us during our awakenings, and what we have done to arrive at a stage in our lives where we are truly living inspirational lives.
I Am Love, I Am Bliss – A Channeled Guided Meditation
Follow this channeled guided meditation to awaken your Spiritual Heart and the energy of Bliss. Using simple affirmations, this meditation increases the Bliss and Love energy within you – increasing your vibration and changing the blueprint of your life.