Donation Policy Changes

Beginning January 1, 2025, all personal Higher Self channeling sessions will have a minimum donation amount of $300.00 USD.   Higher donation amounts are always appreciated.

Why the donation policy change now?

Since 2004, I have been able to offer personal sessions for any donation amount with no minimum requirement.  My desire has always been to offer support to sincere seekers on the spiritual path of awakening without any restrictions.  I have dedicated complete days, 7 days a week, to my service. Because of the high demand for one-on-one sessions, often every available time slot every week has been scheduled.  I have been and continue to be deeply grateful for the opportunities to help others, as well as the spiritual growth that I have received by channeling for others.

As my own popularity has grown, my schedule has filled. My availability to expand my teachings in other ways has greatly slowed and even stopped.

In order to accommodate new clients and to create adequate time, it has become necessary for me to set a minimum donation amount. My new donation policy will allow me to increase the number of people I help by continuing to work one-on-one in personal sessions and by creating new ways of teaching.

My new donation policy will allow me to:

  • regularly record free YouTube videos
  • offer online and in-person events
  • write books
  • produce guided meditations
  • create downloadable courses

For those students of the Higher Self teachings following my work, it has been clear that the amount of new content has greatly reduced over the past 5 years.  My ability to travel and hold workshops had stopped.   The release of my books has been delayed by 3 years.  This has been due to my limited available time and the limited finances to hire a staff to support my work.

With this new minimum donation amount in place, I will be able to return to offering a regular stream of free online contents, new books, workshops, events and live streams, and new courses for dedicated students of awakening.  I am excited for the opportunity to return again to working with groups of people.  I look forward to expanding the audience of my work and increasing the ways that I can interact.

With more financial support, I will be able to hire a staff to support the growth of my service.  For 20 years, I have completed every aspect of this service by myself – not only providing the teachings but also performing every part of the recording, editing, advertising and correspondence processes. With more funding, I can focus on the most unique and important skill set that I have – creating as a Higher Self  channel – and be able to have others perform the technical and secretarial roles that distribute this work.

Ultimately, the purpose and goal of the new structural changes is to offer more content to my audience, to make more effective use of my time, and to improve the quality of my work by focusing my time on being a channel and less on completing the other business management operations.

How will this policy change affect me?

Beginning January 1, 2025, all personal Higher Self channeling sessions will have a minimum donation amount of $300.00 USD.  Higher donation amounts are always appreciated.

In addition to my new donation policy, I have created a unique program to assist those clients unable to meet my new donation request.

Exemption for Clients Living in Developing Countries

I have a strong desire to continue to offer personal sessions to sincere people who may experience difficulty donating the recommended amount. To satisfy my desire, I have created a “Support Another” program. Any person can donate to the “Support Another” program.  100% of all donations received will be used to compensate the donation of those unable to meet the new policy.

If you’d like to make a donation into the “Support Another Program”, please use this link

Registration to receive a session as part of the “Support Another Program” will be made available April 1, 2020.

A Request for Additional Support

Arriving at the decision to set a minimum donation has been a process.  For the past 3 years, my mind has juggled the decision to change my donation policy.  Upon personal reflection and discussions with others (physical and nonphysical), it is has become clear that in order for the Higher Self teachings to continue to grow and reach the largest audience possible to help the most people in the most ways, a policy change is necessary.

If you desire to see the expansion of my Higher Self Teaching happen as quickly as possible, I invite you to help fund this process.  With finances immediately available, I will:

  1. Update the Channel Higher Self and Higher Self Teachings websites to the current industry standard.  The last time these websites were edited was over 10 years ago.  An outdated website affects my search engine rankings since my websites are not mobile phone friendly and therefore are not included in Google searches on mobile phones.
  2. Complete the editing and publication process of the books that I have already written. I have hundreds of channeled teachings written and ready to be edited for print books and ebooks. Donations will allow for the hire of professional editors.
  3. Complete the video editing for over a dozen workshops that I have presented and recorded in the past. These videos will then become available for purchase and download online, as well as free distribution on YouTube.
  4. Provide for the purchase of a new video camera, higher quality audio recording equipment, professional video editing software, laptop computer dedicated to video editing, studio lighting, and video backdrops.
  5. Provide for the creation of new live stream video series
  6. Provide for the creation of more free YouTube videos, posting one or more new video each week.
  7. Return the “Satsang with the Self” video series to the live stream format it had been in the years 2009 – 2012.
  8. Provide for the creation of new live stream courses.
  9. Provide for the creation of new books.
  10. Provide for the creation of new in-person events.

If you would like to provide an immediate donation of any amount to accelerate the time frame of meeting these 10 goals, please use the button below.

Final Words

Ultimately, the goal of my work is to support the greatest number of people in the greatest way possible.  I desire every sincere seeker of spiritual awakening and personal transformation to receive the most support that I can offer.  I want to expand the amount of free Higher Self Teachings, to meet in person the people who are receiving my work, and to continue to work one-on-one with those desiring the most direct and powerful form of help.   I love the work that I do and the help that I can offer.  I will continue to dedicate myself to serving all of you.

Thank you for your time in reading this announcement.  I appreciate all the kind words, shows of appreciation and financial support that you have already shared with me.  I look forward to continuing in our relationship as co-creators in this Divine Reality we call life.

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