Interview with Lincoln Gergar, Higher Self channel, and Alan Steinfield, author of Making Contact
Alan Steinfeld, author of Making Contact: Preparing for the New Realities of Extraterrestrial Existence interviews Lincoln Gergar, a channel for Higher Self Consciousness, in this New Realities podcast.
Lincoln of Channel Higher Self with Jonathan Rickert | Measuring Unity Consciousness Brain EEG Study
Lincoln, an advanced mediator, psychic and channel, had his brain studied to discover when happens during states of non-ordinary reality. Jonathan Rickert of Awareness Ascending and Lincoln of Channel Higher Self discuss what happens inside the brain when in altered states of higher consciousness.
Blissful I AM Presence Mindfulness Measured with Brain EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Spiritual Heart Bliss with open eyes in the world is real and measurable. Brain EEG and heart EEG measure the effects of Spiritual Heart (Hridaya) awakening.
Soul Travel in the Higher Dimensions Measured with Brain EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness
To experience the higher spiritual dimensions (above the crown chakra) an awakened Spiritual Heart is necessary. This is now validated by brain EEG and heart EEG. Watch my brain and heart activity when I soul travel to a higher spiritual dimension.
Remote Viewing / Open Third Eye (Ajna Chakra) Measured Brain EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Modern scientific equipment can measure what happens in the brain when experiencing awakened spiritual states of higher consciousness. We now have proof that spiritual experiences are real and not imaginary. Watch as I open my third eye and remote view a physical location in Sedona.
Higher Self Channeling Measured with Brain EEG & Heart EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Brain EEG and Heart EEG measure what happens inside my body as I channel the Higher Self Consciousness. Brain activity in the crown chakra and third eye area increase. Maximum levels of happy and peaceful emotions are reached.
Scientific Evidence that Emotion is Conscious and Not Unconscious | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Academic psychologists teach that emotions are automatic unconscious reactions and cannot be controlled. This is widely-accepted concept is wrong. See the evidence that we can control human emotion in this Brain EEG and Heart EEG experiment with Lincoln, a channel for Higher Self consciousness and the team of Awareness Ascending.
Stop Projecting onto People. Remove the Ego Pattern | Higher Self Inner Circle Relationship Mastery
In this lesson on Mastery of Human Relationships, the Higher Self shows us how we project our own limiting beliefs onto other people. Every problem we have with other people is actually a something we have yet to honor and love about ourselves.
AnaAkun Interview – What does eternity mean to you? Do we exist for eternity?
Learn about the channel’s experience of eternity and existing as an eternal consciousness in this interview question. What is it like to know you are an eternal soul / eternal consciousness? How does experiencing your eternal nature influence how you create your life as a human being?
Proven Scientific Evidence of Kundalini Awakening | Measuring Unity Consciusness
Kundalini energy is real and it can be measured with scientific machines. Watch as I use my conscious mind to raise the kundalini in my entire nervous system and it’s shown on a live brain EEG and heart EEG monitor.
AnaAkun Interview – Where does our awareness go when we sleep?
What happens to our consciousness when we are sleeping? When we stop having awareness do we still exist? How can we learn how to stay aware in the sleep state?
Spring 2021 Week 2: The World is Neutral, You Create the Meaning. Create True Happiness in Your Life
Receive 40 hours of channeled teachings to help you create mastery in your human relationships. The Higher Self is your inner guidance and highest level of intuition. Learn how to connect with your Higher Self to create happy, healthy, loving relationships.
AnaAkun Interview – Does the Casual Body (Mind) have Feminine and Masculine Qualities?
The Higher Self teaches that all of life has feminine and masculine qualities. What are the female and male qualities and energies that exist in the causal body (mind)?
AnaAkun Interview – Does the Matrix exist for real?
Does the matrix exist and what is it? How much control do we have over our realities? Are we being controlled by external forces or nonphysical beings?
AnaAkun Interview – What age comes after the Information Age?
Currently humanity is in the Information Age – where communication technologies and information are the most valued and influential area of human life. What does Lincoln see will come after the Information Age for mankind?
Inner Circle Week 1: The Primary Relationship is Self and Other, Inner and Outer Reality, I AM That
Receive 40 hours of channeled teachings and practices that improve your relationships using spiritual wisdom and methods for awakening in the Higher Self Inner Circle. Presented here is the first video (week 1 of 13) of the Higher Self Inner Circle on Relationship Mastery.