Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest material things – money, wealth, objects
Satsang with the Self
Video: 481
Date: February 18, 2021
Title: Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest material things – money, wealth, objects
Running Time: 29:47
Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest material things – money, wealth, objects
The Higher Self was asked, “a lot of authors teach about using sexual energy to manifest money, objects and experiences. They teach that sexual energy is the strongest human desire and it can be used for experiences besides sex. Can the Higher Self teach us how to use our sexual energy to benefit our lives in ways different than sex and relationships?”
Receive the Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest successfully our material desires in this channeled video.
Sexual energy is creative energy. Sexual energy is one of the misunderstood topics of the human experience. Receive the Higher Self’s channeled information about using sexual energy in this human experiences. Topics include:
Does human sexual energy relate to our manifestation energy?
Do people with stronger sexual energy have an easier time manifesting what they desire in this world?
Are there sexual energy practices to increase our material manifestation power?
How important is having strong sexual energy if we want to manifest things in our lives?
Learn from the Higher Self in this channeled video teaching.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
channel, channeled, chi, energy, higher self, learn, love, manifestation, mate, money, power, practice, relationship, relationships, satsang, self, sex, sexual, sexual energy, successful, sun, teach, teaching, video, wealth