Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest material things – money, wealth, objects
Receive the Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest successfully our material desires in this channeled video. Sexual energy is creative energy. Sexual energy is one of the misunderstood topics of the human experience.
Learn the Final Step that Makes Your Manifestations Successful
Stand in your greatness as the creator of your life and carry your creative desires into this physical reality. Overcome your mental conditioning of fear that makes you shrink yourself as a creator in this channeled teaching on successful manifestation.
Understand the Unlimited Power You Have as a Free Will Creator of this Human Reality
You are the grand state of consciousness holding reality inside of yourself. You are a creator in your human reality. Receive a channeled message to help you more fully experience your unlimited creative power.
Channeled Meditation to Show You the Awakened State of Spiritual Realization
Awaken into the experience of your deeper self in this channeled meditation. Receive Higher Self channeled frequencies that help you to experience yourself as the Light of Consciousness shining the blissful energy of creation.
AnaAkun Interview – What is the most effective way to deal with or remove negative intrusive thoughts?
Hear Lincoln’s experience with the mind, personal consciousness and collective consciousness, random thoughts, thoughts created by the memory, willful thinking and intrusive thoughts.
Channeled Guidance for Introverted, Quiet, Creative Children Like Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Souls
I received an email from a mother of a very special girl. She requested guidance from the Higher Self that would help her daughter who is struggling in school because of the behavior of kids around her.
Higher Self Talks About the Upcoming Presidential Election in 2020
We are 1 month away from 2020 Presidential Election – a time where the next 4 years of our country will be decided. Receive a message from the Higher Self about this crucial time in the lives of every American and all global citizens.
Your Understanding Determines Everything in Your Life. Awaken to How Powerful You Are.
Life is your creation. Your mind is at the center of every experiencing determining your life. Receive a channeled teaching about the power of your mind. Learn how you are shaping every part of your reality as you awaken to God Realization.
Xpnsion Network COVID-19 Interview with Lincoln Gergar: Remember We Are One
Join Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self, in this Xpnsion Network interview in the series COVID 19: Opportunities You Did Not Think Of. Create a supportive shift of positive energy during the COVID 19 situation.
Live Streaming the Satsang with the Self
Satsang with the Self returns to a live streaming format starting next month. Experience a live Higher Self channeling one day per week, every week beginning in April 2020. Register here.
Join the Higher Self Inner Circle
Designed for the dedicated student of the Higher Self Teachings who wants to receive more advanced information, instruction, guided meditations and energy empowerments that create accelerated personal development and spiritual awakening.
Donation Policy Changes
For 15 years the Higher Self services have been offered at no cost or for a donation with no minimum amount. Because of the high demand of personal sessions and the time restriction that working at no minimum amount has created, I have created a new policy that will allow me to continue to expand my services.
Higher Self Channeling – Connect to Your Higher Self – Episode 42 They Call Us Channelers
Dive inside the mind and experience of Higher Self channel Lincoln Gergar in this video interview with Kevin Moore in his They Call Us Channelers docuseries.
Ask the Higher Self – How do I make more money?
Dissect the creative process of making money from beginning to end while including every important aspect. By the end of this video, you will know how to create a life of wealth, success, and happiness the Higher Self way.
Desire is an Actual Energy with an Attractive Charge that Continues the Universe’s Existence
Desire alone has the power to manifest anything you want in your life, but often we block desire with doubt, fear or guilt. Learn how to create a happy life by allowing the energy of desire to manifest for you in a nearly effortless way.
Self Sourcing Your Creative Energy vs Exchanging Energy With Others
You are God Consciousness – the source of creative energy in your human reality. Awaken to the direct experience of your creative power. It is easier than you know.