Channeled Meditation to Show You the Awakened State of Spiritual Realization
Satsang with the Self
Video: 463
Date: November 26, 2020
Title: Channeled Meditation to Show You the Awakened State of Spiritual Realization
Running Time: 19:51
Channeled Meditation to Show You the Awakened State of Spiritual Realization
Awaken into the experience of your deeper self in this channeled meditation. Receive Higher Self channeled frequencies that help you to experience yourself as the Light of Consciousness shining the blissful energy of creation.
We are all powerful creators with the freedom to choose the creative energy we express into life. The energy that you express is the vibration of your mind’s understanding. This energy directs the events of your physical life by informing them how to appear in your reality.
There is a matrix of energy sustaining the forms of matter. Your mind informs this matrix, directing the material events to develop for your participation as a creator. You are the creative director of your human journey.
In this channeled meditation you are brought into your true Light Body – the Light of Consciousness. While in this state, you are then guided feel the radiating, shining energy of your Spiritual Heart – the doorway through which your soul’s original energy enters this human reality. This energy has the power to remove any and all darkness, confusion, doubt, fear, anger, shame, guilt and resistance that is preventing you from living a completely fulfilling human life.
While listing to this channeled meditation, relax. Relaxation allows the consciousness to expand. Relax while listening to the Higher Self’s words and you will most easily align to the Higher Self’s energy.
This is an enjoyable and powerful channeled meditation. I hope that it supports you on your soul’s creative journey.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
bliss, body, channel, channeled, consciousness, creation, energy, guide, higher self, life, light, love, mate, meditation, mind, power, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, true, video