Understand the Unlimited Power You Have as a Free Will Creator of this Human Reality
Satsang with the Self
Video: 469
Date: December 17, 2020
Title: Understand the Unlimited Power You Have as a Free Will Creator of this Human Reality
Running Time: 40:05
Understand the Unlimited Power You Have as a Free Will Creator of this Human Reality
You are the grand state of consciousness holding reality inside of yourself. You are a creator in your human reality. Receive a channeled message to help you more fully experience your unlimited creative power.
All of the forms of life exist inside of your consciousness. You are the awareness perceiving the forms of life. You are the intelligence understanding the forms of life. You are the power creating the forms of life. Realize yourself as God.
In this human reality, the forms obey the material laws while you, as consciousness, exists beyond them. Your true self is not restricted by this world. The world exists within you. You are greater than this dream of human life.
Allow the Higher Self to support your spiritual awakening in this channeled message. The vibration and energy flowing through this message will help to change your reality. The Higher Self empower us with energy while it teaches us with knowledge.
Receive this channeled teaching and allow it to help you experience a life you truly love.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
awareness, change, channel, channeled, chi, consciousness, energy, god, higher self, knowledge, life, love, mate, power, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, teach, teaching, true, video