Purchase any of the Higher Self Inner Circle Cycles
Now available – Purchase any of the past Higher Self Inner Circle cycles. Receive all 13 weeks of videos and audio files and experience the 3-month Higher Self guided journey of awakening.
Trust the Creative Process – Your Natural Expression will Create Success
How can we improve our ability to trust in ourselves and that life will work out well for us? I find myself struggling with avoidance patterns because I don’t believe that I can receive the experiences I want.
Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest material things – money, wealth, objects
Receive the Higher Self perspective on using sexual energy to manifest successfully our material desires in this channeled video. Sexual energy is creative energy. Sexual energy is one of the misunderstood topics of the human experience.
How You Understand Yourself Determines Your Life. You Create Your Reality.
You are the container of consciousness holding reality inside yourself. Every expression of yourself into the world is determined by who you think you are. Define yourself correctly to create your best life.
Learn the Final Step that Makes Your Manifestations Successful
Stand in your greatness as the creator of your life and carry your creative desires into this physical reality. Overcome your mental conditioning of fear that makes you shrink yourself as a creator in this channeled teaching on successful manifestation.
Knowledge & Practices to Successfully Receive Your Desires | Higher Self Inner Circle – Winter 2021
The final step to successfully create your desires in your life is to allow yourself to receive without fear, guilt, shame or jealousy. Unworthiness – the belief of not being worthy to receive what you desire – is at the core of this final step.
January 3 to March 28 – Manifesting the Experiences You Desire in your Physical Reality
Join the next Higher Self Inner Circle cycle that teaches you how to manifest the experience you want in your life. Receive over 40 hours of teachings, guided meditations and manifestation practices to help live as a masterful creator.
Higher Self Inner Circle starts January 2021 – Manifesting the Experiences You Desire in your Physical Reality
Receive 13 lessons from the channeled Higher Self, including guided meditations and valuable information that makes manifestation and easy, enjoyable and effective process.
Higher Self Inner Circle begins: Manifesting the Experiences You Desire in your Physical Reality
Starting January 3, 2021, receive over 40 hours of channeled messages, teachings and meditations on the topic of manifestation and creating your desired experiences in this physical reality.
We Are All One Consciousness – The Great Discourse on Life (Part 2)
The awakening to God Consciousness is the realization that everything is within you and everything is you. There is no separation. There is only unity. Realize you true self in this channeled teaching for spiritual awakening.
You Can Have the Experiences You Desire. Watch Your Life Change.
Live the fullest experience of your life with the help of this Higher Self message. You are the most magnificent creator. Watch the world cooperate with you when you apply the principles in this video teaching.
3 Steps to Create as God Consciousness – 1st Awareness, 2nd Intelligence, 3rd Energy
Many people struggle to successfully reach their goals in life because they have forgotten the power they have as beings of God Consciousness. In this channeled teaching, be taught 3 steps for successful creation using the totality of your Self.
The Light Initiation – Powerful Transition into Divine Remembrance – Free 20 Day Online Retreat
In my upcoming video retreat, receive over 20 high impact, experiential and online light initiations to expand your being into your true divine potential. This free 20 day online retreat starts June 1st.
Simple, Direct and Clear Instructions on How to Manifest Your Desires Most Effectively
Ready to learn the Higher Self way of manifesting as the God Consciousness Creator you are? Here is a very precise, detailed step-by-step process that will guide you in creating with effectiveness and ease.
Ask the Higher Self – How do I make more money?
Dissect the creative process of making money from beginning to end while including every important aspect. By the end of this video, you will know how to create a life of wealth, success, and happiness the Higher Self way.
Stop Struggling Trying to Manifest with your Mind. Relax into the Energy of Success.
Explore the topic of conscious creations and manifesting with authenticity and ease. It is unnecessary to struggle when manifesting. We do not have to analyze and work through our psychological issues or challenges in the traditional way. Success can be much easier.