You Can Have the Experiences You Desire. Watch Your Life Change.
Satsang with the Self
Video: 427
Date: July 23, 2020
Title: You Can Have the Experiences You Desire. Watch Your Life Change.
Running Time: 45:19
You Can Have the Experiences You Desire. Watch Your Life Change.
Live the fullest experience of your life with the help of this Higher Self message. You are the most magnificent creator. Watch the world cooperate with you when you apply the principles in this video teaching.
Every person desires happiness and every person can have happiness. However most people do not understand how easy success and happiness can be.
The purpose of your human experience is to awaken to the fact that you are a creator. The design of life supports this perfectly. Your entire reality has the single purpose to reveal to you who you truly are. You are a creator.
In this Higher Self channeled message, you will receive the knowledge, support and encouragement to help you experience a happy life. There are specific things that you can do to increase the ease with which you achieve success. There are specific ways of understanding your self that will help you to awaken more creative power than you’ve known you had. Creating a happy life can be easy with the right guidance.
Experiencing a blissful, happy, fulfilling life can be easy. Remove the confusion in your mind by making the process of manifestation clear, simple and direct. Let this Higher Self message help you experience the best life you can create.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
bliss, change, channel, channeled, chi, guidance, happiness, happy, higher self, I AM, knowledge, life, love, manifestation, mind, power, satsang, self, teach, teaching, video