Higher Self Channeling Measured with Brain EEG & Heart EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Brain EEG and Heart EEG measure what happens inside my body as I channel the Higher Self Consciousness. Brain activity in the crown chakra and third eye area increase. Maximum levels of happy and peaceful emotions are reached.
Spring 2021 Week 2: The World is Neutral, You Create the Meaning. Create True Happiness in Your Life
Receive 40 hours of channeled teachings to help you create mastery in your human relationships. The Higher Self is your inner guidance and highest level of intuition. Learn how to connect with your Higher Self to create happy, healthy, loving relationships.
Inner Circle Week 1: The Primary Relationship is Self and Other, Inner and Outer Reality, I AM That
Receive 40 hours of channeled teachings and practices that improve your relationships using spiritual wisdom and methods for awakening in the Higher Self Inner Circle. Presented here is the first video (week 1 of 13) of the Higher Self Inner Circle on Relationship Mastery.
Perform a Life Review for your Soul Every Night Before You Sleep
You can perform smaller life reviews every night to evolve your soul while you are alive. You don’t need to wait until you die to learn from this lifetime.
AnaAkun Interview – How to become your own master creator?
Become the master of your own life by expanding your awareness and intelligence inside your body and brain. Listen to Lincoln’s experience and guidance to help anyone experience a more empowered, happy human life.
30% off all channeled meditation CDs at Higher Self Teachings until December 31, 2020
Receive a 30% off coupon on all of my channeled guided meditation CDs at higherselfteachings.com from now until December 31, 2020.
The Recipe for Success Explained Perfectly in this Channeled Message
Receive precise instruction and an exact explanation for the process of creating the experiences you desire in this Higher Self channeled message. Your entire reality is your creative process. Learn how to easily create the life you desire.
Channeled Guidance for Introverted, Quiet, Creative Children Like Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Souls
I received an email from a mother of a very special girl. She requested guidance from the Higher Self that would help her daughter who is struggling in school because of the behavior of kids around her.
Your success is based upon one thing and one thing only – a Channeled Message
We all desire happiness. We all desire success. Your success is based upon one thing and one thing only. Receive channeled guidance to help you master your reality.
Your life is a reflection of your ability to honor your Heart’s Blueprint
The amount of happiness we experience is directly related to how fully we honor our Heart’s blueprint. You have within yourself a genuine, authentic expression of who you are. Honor this.
The Three Facts that Prove that You are God Consciousness Creating Your Own Reality
Satsang with the Self Video: 434 Date: August 20, 2020 Title: The Three Facts that Prove that You are God Consciousness Creating Your Own Reality Running Time: 1:16:12 The Three Facts that Prove that You are God Consciousness Creating Your Own Reality Do you want to turn your world upside? Do you want to discover […]
You Can Have the Experiences You Desire. Watch Your Life Change.
Live the fullest experience of your life with the help of this Higher Self message. You are the most magnificent creator. Watch the world cooperate with you when you apply the principles in this video teaching.
11 Questions for the Higher Self about the COVID-19 Corona Virus experience
Join the channeled Higher Self as ten questions about the COVID-19 Corona Virus experience are answered. Topics range from attracting the virus due to fear, population control, a secret political agenda, how to make money in this economy, who created the virus, and more.
Detailed Examination – How to Use Your Mind’s Creative Power to Manifest Happiness
All parts of the process of using your mind’s power to create a completely happy reality are examined in this channeled Higher Self message. Receive 2 guided meditations that show you how to transform you mind and life instantly.
Learn how you are blocking your process of learning and creating a life you love
Success is blocked in 3 ways: impatience, doubt and fear. Do you want to experience a blissful, happy life? Wishing and wanting is not enough. There are precise steps that every successful person takes.
Desire is an Actual Energy with an Attractive Charge that Continues the Universe’s Existence
Desire alone has the power to manifest anything you want in your life, but often we block desire with doubt, fear or guilt. Learn how to create a happy life by allowing the energy of desire to manifest for you in a nearly effortless way.