The Recipe for Success Explained Perfectly in this Channeled Message
Satsang with the Self
Video: 454
Date: October 22, 2020
Title: The Recipe for Success Explained Perfectly in this Channeled Message
Running Time: 39:55
The Recipe for Success Explained Perfectly in this Channeled Message
Receive precise instruction and an exact explanation for the process of creating the experiences you desire in this Higher Self channeled message. Your entire reality is your creative process. Learn how to easily create the life you desire.
In this Higher Self channeling you will learn how to use your mind to channel creative energy into your reality. You will learn how to choose the best understanding that creates your desired experience. Information will help you to live in harmony with the laws of Universal Creation that give you creative success and personal mastery.
This is a very clear and easy to understand Higher Self teaching. The explanation is exact and will be easily integrated into your life. Watch this video many times to help your brain remember these simple steps that will give you creative success in everything you do.
Now is the time to awaken into the full ability of yourself as a creator at the center of your Universe. You have undiscovered creative power and intelligence within you. Create a life you are completely happy living by discovering how to use your mind in a higher way.
Your existence is the experience of creation. Learn how to master yourself and create a reality that gives you the happiness you desire.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
brain, channel, channeled, channeling, chi, creation, energy, happiness, happy, harmony, higher self, learn, life, love, master, mind, power, satsang, self, teach, teaching, video