Detailed Examination – How to Use Your Mind’s Creative Power to Manifest Happiness
Satsang with the Self
Video: 400
Date: April 23, 2020
Title: Detailed Examination – How to Use Your Mind’s Creative Power to Manifest Happiness
Running Time: 54:15
Detailed Examination – How to Use Your Mind’s Creative Power to Manifest Happiness
All parts of the process of using your mind’s power to create a completely happy reality are examined in this channeled Higher Self message. Receive 2 guided meditations that show you how to transform you mind and life instantly.
Master your mind and use it effectively to create the emotions you want to feel and the physical experiences you desire to have.
Understand the most common mistakes for creative success. Learn how we get caught agreeing with our problems and making them more difficult to change. Learn why you do not need to examine and change your personal history and past karma. Learn why focusing on the past increases the problem we experience.
This Higher Self channeled video teaching will examine many parts – from beginning to end – in the creative process of using consciously created thoughts (affirmations) and emotions (channeled energies) to immediately change your reality. The quality of your mind will be different – happier and at peace. The vibration of emotion will be different – more open, expanded and free. The feeling of your body will be different – less stressful and more relaxed.
Experience 2 guided energy practice meditations that will show you hold to effectively use your mind’s creative power to change your vibration. These meditations will help you to easily change your life into one of greater happiness, peace, love and celebration.
This Video is Tagged With:
body, change, channel, channeled, chi, emotions, energy, guide, guided meditation, happiness, happy, higher self, karma, learn, life, love, master, media, meditation, mind, peace, power, practice, satsang, self, story, teach, teaching, thought, thoughts, video