Browsing all posts tagged with thought Archives - Channel Higher Self.

Purchase any of the Higher Self Inner Circle Cycles

August 9th, 2021 | 5 Comments

Now available – Purchase any of the past Higher Self Inner Circle cycles.  Receive all 13 weeks of videos and audio files and experience the 3-month Higher Self guided journey of awakening. 

Inner Circle Week 1: The Primary Relationship is Self and Other, Inner and Outer Reality, I AM That

April 5th, 2021 | No Comments

Receive 40 hours of channeled teachings and practices that improve your relationships using spiritual wisdom and methods for awakening in the Higher Self Inner Circle. Presented here is the first video (week 1 of 13) of the Higher Self Inner Circle on Relationship Mastery.

Psychology ends where spirituality begins.

January 15th, 2021 | 1 Comment

Spirituality begins where the examination and study of the psyche stops. When we look beyond the thoughts and emotions we discover who we are for eternity.

You have been conditioned to believe that life must be a struggle. Change your understanding.

December 18th, 2020 | No Comments

Do you understand how powerful you are? You have within yourselves the ability to choose any thought you wish, believe in it, give it its creative energy. Remove the conditioning that life must be a struggle. Remove the belief of opposition and empower the belief of cooperation.

AnaAkun Interview – Chakras below the Root Charka and above the Crown Chakra

December 15th, 2020 | No Comments

Hear Lincoln talk about the human chakra system and how the arrangement of upper and lower chakras form our intelligence and energy.

AnaAkun Interview – What is the most effective way to deal with or remove negative intrusive thoughts?

December 15th, 2020 | No Comments

Hear Lincoln’s experience with the mind, personal consciousness and collective consciousness, random thoughts, thoughts created by the memory, willful thinking and intrusive thoughts.

AnaAkun Interview – Why is it important to live in the physical reality?

December 2nd, 2020 | No Comments

Learn about the importance of expanding our consciousness into the human body and mind so that we give ourselves the fullest human experience possible. This video shares my personal experience, my insights and the tools for awakening that I consider the most important to use.

This is Spiritual Purpose of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. It is our Ascension Process.

November 15th, 2020 | No Comments

The challenges that mankind are currently facing are the catalysts for spiritual awakening. The restriction of human freedom is awakening our power as freewill creators. We are becoming the masters of how we think. We are mastering our emotions.

Move Beyond the Restless Mind in this Higher Self Guided Meditation

November 14th, 2020 | No Comments

There are layers to ourselves and layers to our mind. On the surface of the mind appear the thoughts. Deeper within we experience direct knowing. Even deeper we discover being.

Higher Self Talks About the Upcoming Presidential Election in 2020

October 10th, 2020 | 3 Comments

We are 1 month away from 2020 Presidential Election – a time where the next 4 years of our country will be decided. Receive a message from the Higher Self about this crucial time in the lives of every American and all global citizens.

Your life is a reflection of your ability to honor your Heart’s Blueprint

September 18th, 2020 | No Comments

The amount of happiness we experience is directly related to how fully we honor our Heart’s blueprint. You have within yourself a genuine, authentic expression of who you are. Honor this.

The Key to Physical and Psychological Health is the Ability to Relax

September 16th, 2020 | No Comments

An overly active mind and a tense body is the cause of illness. All physical illness has psychological imbalance as it’s root cause. With physical and psychological relaxation, we can remove the causes of diseases and experience genuine health and happiness.

Meditate upon the Peace that is Emptiness – Space, Silence, Stillness

September 14th, 2020 | No Comments

Finding peace in the present moment is as easy as focusing your attention on the empty qualities you perceive right now. Empty space, the silent witness and the feeling of stillness are the doorways to experiencing a profound unchanging peace.

World’s Greatest Mantra – I love you and I wish you happiness

September 6th, 2020 | No Comments

The higher spiritual dimensions consider this the most power mantra for humanity at this time in humanity’s ascension process. By repeating this blessing we can immediately transform the quality of our lives.

Become Comfortable in the Present Moment. Relax into Peace Right Now.

July 27th, 2020 | No Comments

A perfect state of peace exists right now. You only need to understand how to perceive it with your mind. Right now silence exists. Right now stillness exists. Right now emptiness fills this moment.

8 Minute Energy Alignment channeled by the Higher Self

July 1st, 2020 | No Comments

Enjoy a channeled energy alignment that takes you deeper into your Spiritual Heart and into the direct experience of your original creative energy. Then from this spiritual depth, you are guided to express this powerful energy into your human reality – changing the alignment of events in your life.