Meditate upon the Peace that is Emptiness – Space, Silence, Stillness
Satsang with the Self
Video: 438
Date: September 3, 2020
Title: Meditate upon the Peace that is Emptiness – Space, Silence, Stillness
Running Time: 19:22
Meditate upon the Peace that is Emptiness – Space, Silence, Stillness
Finding peace in the present moment is as easy as focusing your attention on the empty qualities you perceive right now. Empty space, the silent witness and the feeling of stillness are the doorways to experiencing a profound unchanging peace.
In this Channel Higher Self video meditation you will be guided into a state of deep peace by shifting your awareness to focus upon the ever-present qualities of emptiness.
Often we search for happiness by trying to reduce the activities of form. We try to quiet our thoughts and slow down our breathing. We try to hold our body still and remove emotional feelings as soon as they arise. While the reduction of activity in an increase of peace, it is not the easy, most effortless or most effective of ways.
Far easier and more effortless than trying to control form is to simply focus on the appearance of emptiness that is already here.
Achieve a deep state of peace in this Higher Self channeled guided meditation.
Blessings and Love.
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awareness, body, channel, channeled, chi, guide, guided meditation, happiness, higher self, illness, love, meditation, peace, satsang, self, silence, thought, thoughts, video