Higher Self Channeling Measured with Brain EEG & Heart EEG | Measuring Unity Consciousness
Brain EEG and Heart EEG measure what happens inside my body as I channel the Higher Self Consciousness. Brain activity in the crown chakra and third eye area increase. Maximum levels of happy and peaceful emotions are reached.
Higher Self examines Detachment and Non-Attachment – Spiritual Practices for Inner Peace
The Higher Self is channeled to teach about detachment and non-attachment. These two popular spiritual teachings are examined from a higher dimension enlightened perspective. Receive clarity and support as you apply the state of non-self (anatta) or egoless experience.
The Original Energy Creating You is Located in Your Spiritual Heart
With developed awareness you can watch the energy of your mind first arising in your Spiritual Heart and then moving up to your brain. The Spiritual Heart is the doorway for our eternal consciousness to enter into this human reality.
Channeled Meditation to Align Yourself with the Truth of Who You Are
The world is changing. Every form of life is constantly changing and the rate of change is accelerating. This meditation will connect you to the part of yourself that never changes.
Channeled Meditation to Expand Your Consciousness and Fill Your Energy Field with Bliss
Receive a powerful channeled meditation that expands your consciousness and fills your energy body with blissful love frequencies. Let the Higher Self guide you in this channeled meditation for spiritual awakening.
Channeled Meditation to Help You Understand You Exist Beyond this World
You are God Consciousness. However you’ve forgotten this. Identification with the human story has kept you experiencing a limited version of yourself. Now is the time to break free from limited conditioning to experience your true self.
This is Spiritual Purpose of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. It is our Ascension Process.
The challenges that mankind are currently facing are the catalysts for spiritual awakening. The restriction of human freedom is awakening our power as freewill creators. We are becoming the masters of how we think. We are mastering our emotions.
Move Beyond the Restless Mind in this Higher Self Guided Meditation
There are layers to ourselves and layers to our mind. On the surface of the mind appear the thoughts. Deeper within we experience direct knowing. Even deeper we discover being.
Channeled Guidance for Introverted, Quiet, Creative Children Like Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Souls
I received an email from a mother of a very special girl. She requested guidance from the Higher Self that would help her daughter who is struggling in school because of the behavior of kids around her.
Feel Your Heart and Be at Peace – Higher Self Guidance Helps You Awaken
In nearly every Higher Self channeled message, you are instructed to feel your heart and peace at peace. Learn why this instruction from the Higher Self is so important. Learn how this simple act has the power to change everything in your life.
Live Your Life Heart-centered and Watch a New Reality Awaken
Receive a channeled message that helps you live from your heart. Trust your natural expression and watch your life change. Watch how experiences align on your soul’s path of awakening.
Channeled Message – Your Lives Have Been Taken Away From You. Your Reality Needs You.
In the last 6 months our entire way of life has been disrupted. This is the perfect opportunity for awakening! The challenges are helping us to witness and release the old patterns of past conditioning.
Channeled Meditation – Listen and Let the Higher Self Change Your Vibration
We want you to simply listen to our words and notice how your own vibration changes. As you listen to our words you will feel the energy of our expression. You will feel your own energy body changing its frequency.
Stop Spiritual Seeking. Relax and Give Yourself Permission to Be Yourself.
Stop trying to change yourself into a spiritual person. Your are doing more harm than good. Achieving happiness is easier than you think. Relax, open and allow the natural expression of yourself to flow.
The Key to Physical and Psychological Health is the Ability to Relax
An overly active mind and a tense body is the cause of illness. All physical illness has psychological imbalance as it’s root cause. With physical and psychological relaxation, we can remove the causes of diseases and experience genuine health and happiness.
Meditate upon the Peace that is Emptiness – Space, Silence, Stillness
Finding peace in the present moment is as easy as focusing your attention on the empty qualities you perceive right now. Empty space, the silent witness and the feeling of stillness are the doorways to experiencing a profound unchanging peace.