This is Spiritual Purpose of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. It is our Ascension Process.
Satsang with the Self
Video: 451
Date: November 12, 2020
Title: This is Spiritual Purpose of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. It is our Ascension Process.
Running Time: 1:15:26
This is Spiritual Purpose of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. It is our Ascension Process.
The challenges that mankind are currently facing are the catalysts for spiritual awakening. The restriction of human freedom is awakening our power as freewill creators. We are becoming the masters of how we think. We are mastering our emotions.
The COVID-19 worldwide pandemic is serving the evolution of human consciousness. Messages of fear are inspiring us to find our inner truth. Messages of anger are inspiring us to live from our hearts. The loss of personal freedom is the catalyst to trust in our personal power as we cooperate together.
Now is the time to awaken. Here is your opportunity to expand yourself as the creator of your life.
All creation begins in our minds. Consciously create the thoughts that raise your emotional energy to greater states of happiness, peace, love and empowerment. Choose words that inspire and support the people around you. Take action to spread cooperation and harmony in your communities. Come into your reality as the creator you are.
All of life is sacred. The energy creating life is pure love. Align with your true nature. Live the life that truly fills you with bliss.
May this Higher Self channeled message support you as you remember who you are. You are God Consciousness. All of life is within you. Everything is love.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
ascension, bliss, channel, channeled, consciousness, creation, emotions, empowerment, energy, god, happiness, harmony, higher self, life, love, master, masters, mind, Nature, peace, power, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, thought, thoughts, true, truth, video