Interview with Lincoln Gergar, Higher Self channel, and Alan Steinfield, author of Making Contact
Alan Steinfeld, author of Making Contact: Preparing for the New Realities of Extraterrestrial Existence interviews Lincoln Gergar, a channel for Higher Self Consciousness, in this New Realities podcast.
AnaAkun Interview – What does eternity mean to you? Do we exist for eternity?
Learn about the channel’s experience of eternity and existing as an eternal consciousness in this interview question. What is it like to know you are an eternal soul / eternal consciousness? How does experiencing your eternal nature influence how you create your life as a human being?
Higher Self’s Creation Story – Channeled from Universal Consciousness
How did we get here? Who or what created us? What is God and where is God? Receive the Higher Self’s story of creation in this channeled message from the higher dimensions.
This is Spiritual Purpose of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. It is our Ascension Process.
The challenges that mankind are currently facing are the catalysts for spiritual awakening. The restriction of human freedom is awakening our power as freewill creators. We are becoming the masters of how we think. We are mastering our emotions.
Your success is based upon one thing and one thing only – a Channeled Message
We all desire happiness. We all desire success. Your success is based upon one thing and one thing only. Receive channeled guidance to help you master your reality.
Higher Self Talks About the Upcoming Presidential Election in 2020
We are 1 month away from 2020 Presidential Election – a time where the next 4 years of our country will be decided. Receive a message from the Higher Self about this crucial time in the lives of every American and all global citizens.
Stop Spiritual Seeking. Relax and Give Yourself Permission to Be Yourself.
Stop trying to change yourself into a spiritual person. Your are doing more harm than good. Achieving happiness is easier than you think. Relax, open and allow the natural expression of yourself to flow.
Form and Formless are Identical in Nature. Experience Timeless Peace and Oneness.
Satsang with the Self Video: 423 Date: July 16, 2020 Title: Form and Formless are Identical in Nature. Experience Timeless Peace and Oneness. Running Time: 32:57 Form and Formless are Identical in Nature. Experience Timeless Peace and Oneness. Form and formless are identical in nature. They appear as different but their essence is the same. […]
Higher Self Channeling – Connect to Your Higher Self – Episode 42 They Call Us Channelers
Dive inside the mind and experience of Higher Self channel Lincoln Gergar in this video interview with Kevin Moore in his They Call Us Channelers docuseries.
Look Within to Understand Creating Consciously in the Present Moment
This Higher Self channeled video begins with a guided meditation carrying you deeper into the fullness of your Spiritual Self. After this guided meditation, the Higher Self teaches you how to navigate your experience as a creative consciousness within your human reality.
Conscious Conversations with Lincoln and Lisa – Masculine and Feminine Spiritual Practices
Did you know that there are different spiritual practices for men and for women? Learn about the masculine and feminine parts of the human psyche and energy system and which practices are most effective for men and women.
Conscious Conversations with Lincoln and Lisa – How to Truly Forgive
Filled with quality information, techniques and a guided meditation to help you truly forgive yourself and others. Let Lisa and Lincoln share what they have learned in their 30+ years on the spiritual path as students, teachers and guides for others.
Conscious Conversations with Lincoln and Lisa – How to Guide Yourself
Join Lincoln and Lisa to embark on a journey, understanding how to lead your own process of transformation and self-discovery. Key pieces of knowledge are shared that will make your spiritual journey more successful.
Conscious Conversations with Lincoln and Lisa – True Healing and Transformation
Join two spiritual teachers as they share their perspectives about true healing and personal transformation. Learn what they have discovered as they worked upon themselves and as they supported the awakening of others.
Self Sourcing Your Creative Energy vs Exchanging Energy With Others
You are God Consciousness – the source of creative energy in your human reality. Awaken to the direct experience of your creative power. It is easier than you know.
A Sample of a Higher Self Channeling Session
Curious to know what Higher Self channeling session from Lincoln is like? Listen to a live recording of an actual Higher Self channeling session given in May 2018 to a first-time client. It doesn’t get more authentic than this. No editing, no preparation, no script.