Higher Self’s Creation Story – Channeled from Universal Consciousness
Satsang with the Self
Video: 473
Date: January 21, 2021
Title: Higher Self’s Creation Story – Channeled from Universal Consciousness
Running Time: 37:45
Higher Self’s Creation Story – Channeled from Universal Consciousness
How did we get here? Who or what created us? What is God and where is God? Receive the Higher Self’s story of creation in this channeled message from the higher dimensions.
The search for God is the central theme of every religion and all of science. The search for the Creator is the most important journey that a soul can travel.
Receive a channeled message that explains the process of creation and the nature of reality in a way that any person can directly witness. Journey through non-physical dimensions into physical reality as we explore the nature of existence.
When we stop splitting the nature of reality into pieces and instead understand the entirety of our experience as One Self, we begin to understand what God truly is and what we truly are. A proper, enlightened journey can begin because we have an accurate premise on which to construct our understanding of Truth.
Throughout human history many religions, philosophies and sciences have shared their perspectives on what God is and how human beings were created. Receive the Higher Self’s understanding on the creation of all life and the nature of existence in this channeled message.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
channel, channeled, consciousness, creation, god, higher self, life, light, love, Nature, religion, satsang, self, story, truth, video
Really nicely Done Higher Self, Thank You!