Form and Formless are Identical in Nature. Experience Timeless Peace and Oneness.
Satsang with the Self
Video: 423
Date: July 16, 2020
Title: Form and Formless are Identical in Nature. Experience Timeless Peace and Oneness.
Running Time: 32:57
Form and Formless are Identical in Nature. Experience Timeless Peace and Oneness.
Form and formless are identical in nature. They appear as different but their essence is the same. Receive a channeled teaching and meditation that take you beyond duality and into a genuine state of oneness.
All of existence began as the creation of formless space and the form of energy within that space. In the first creation of God, the formless space and the form of energy were completely united with no separation whatsoever. This is the “I Am” state of existence.
Then as creation continued and existence expanded, the formless space and form of energy separated. Now there was a reflective state of existence and the “I Am That I Am” appeared.
From this reflective state of apparent separation, the formless space and form of energy continued to expand and divide. With more space and more energy, new appearances of both manifested and the universe was born.
Infinite space and infinite possible expressions of form exist as the creation of God Consciousness.
What is beyond this creation of formless space and the form of energy?
Watch this Higher Self video teaching to discover the timeless peace of the “Beyond State” of Consciousness. Enjoy!
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
channel, channeled, chi, consciousness, creation, duality, energy, essence, god, higher self, I AM, love, meditation, Nature, oneness, peace, satsang, self, teach, teaching, video