Stop Spiritual Seeking. Relax and Give Yourself Permission to Be Yourself.

Monday, September 28th, 2020
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Satsang with the Self
Video: 442
Date: September 10, 2020
Title: Stop Spiritual Seeking. Relax and Give Yourself Permission to Be Yourself.
Running Time: 29:17

Stop Spiritual Seeking. Relax and Give Yourself Permission to Be Yourself.

Stop trying to change yourself into a spiritual person. Your are doing more harm than good. Achieving happiness is easier than you think. Relax, open and allow the natural expression of yourself to flow.

In Dzogchen, the highest teaching in Tibetan Buddhism, spiritual enlightenment is called “your natural state”. Zen Buddhism teachings focus on being in harmony with what is. Taoism teaches how to live your true nature in harmony with all things. Nondualism teaches the removal of personal effort and the surrender to the present moment.

Many of the oldest and most revered enlightenment traditions emphasize the removal of struggle and the return to a natural state of authentic expression. Peace, stillness, emptiness, harmony and balance are concepts that describe living in this natural state.

Sometimes along the spiritual journey of awakening we lose our way and entertain methods that cause us psychological stress, physical tension and emotional suffering. Sometimes the harder we work towards our awakening, the more difficulty and suffering we appear to cause.

In this Higher Self channeled teaching you are reminded of the importance of relaxing and trusting your natural expression. You are guided to connect to your Spiritual Heart – the deepest center within your mind that contains your timeless wisdom.

The journey of spiritual awakening and Self-realization can be an easy, joyous, and harmonious experience. We can learn how to connect with and trust our innate wisdom. We can accept, honor and love ourselves exactly as we are. We can all experience the peace and happiness of our natural state by embracing our authentic expression.

Let this channeled Higher Self message help you to relax into your natural state of peace, harmony and perfection.

Blessings and Love.

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