Browsing all posts tagged with wisdom Archives - Channel Higher Self.

Purchase any of the Higher Self Inner Circle Cycles

August 9th, 2021 | 5 Comments

Now available – Purchase any of the past Higher Self Inner Circle cycles.  Receive all 13 weeks of videos and audio files and experience the 3-month Higher Self guided journey of awakening. 

Higher Self Sedona & Zoom Online Retreat begins on Thursday May 6, 2021

April 29th, 2021 | No Comments

Mastery of the 4 Elemental Energies that create your human reality can be yours. Join this Higher Self channeled retreat online using Zoom or in person in Sedona, Arizona USA.

Inner Circle Week 1: The Primary Relationship is Self and Other, Inner and Outer Reality, I AM That

April 5th, 2021 | No Comments

Receive 40 hours of channeled teachings and practices that improve your relationships using spiritual wisdom and methods for awakening in the Higher Self Inner Circle. Presented here is the first video (week 1 of 13) of the Higher Self Inner Circle on Relationship Mastery.

Practice Feeling Yourself as the Expanded Consciousness and Watch What Happens

December 14th, 2020 | No Comments

Transform yourself in this simple channeled message. Do you want to be a master in your reality? Do you want to understand why things are happening in your life? Do you want to know how to create the experiences you desire to have?

Channeled Meditation to Help You Understand You Exist Beyond this World

November 22nd, 2020 | No Comments

You are God Consciousness. However you’ve forgotten this. Identification with the human story has kept you experiencing a limited version of yourself. Now is the time to break free from limited conditioning to experience your true self.

Move Beyond the Restless Mind in this Higher Self Guided Meditation

November 14th, 2020 | No Comments

There are layers to ourselves and layers to our mind. On the surface of the mind appear the thoughts. Deeper within we experience direct knowing. Even deeper we discover being.

Channeled Guidance for Introverted, Quiet, Creative Children Like Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Souls

November 11th, 2020 | No Comments

I received an email from a mother of a very special girl. She requested guidance from the Higher Self that would help her daughter who is struggling in school because of the behavior of kids around her.

Stop Spiritual Seeking. Relax and Give Yourself Permission to Be Yourself.

September 28th, 2020 | No Comments

Stop trying to change yourself into a spiritual person. Your are doing more harm than good. Achieving happiness is easier than you think. Relax, open and allow the natural expression of yourself to flow.

Higher Self Inner Circle – Summer 2020 | Week 11 – Align Yourself with Creative Integrity

September 20th, 2020 | 1 Comment

Enter the Higher Self Inner Circle in this weekly lesson from Channel Higher Self.  Here is a sample of the Higher Self Inner Circle, Lincoln’s 3 month accelerated awakening program.

Change the Original Wounding of Mankind – Everything is Truly God Consciousness

September 4th, 2020 | No Comments

Get ready for a breakthrough channeling from the Higher Self. The original wounding of mankind is the idea that you are not perfect, that you are flawed. From that wounding comes all personal confusion and suffering.

This State Celebrates the ‘I Am’ and Everything is Included

July 31st, 2020 | No Comments

Feel your Heart and realize the power of Creation shines through you. Before your mind changes your Heart energy into the different human emotions, you feel the I Am as bliss. Cultivate the wisdom that allows your mind to stay effortlessly silent and your Heart radiant and open.

Good and Bad are the Divided Mind. Wisdom is a State Beyond Duality.

July 26th, 2020 | No Comments

Watch what happens in your life when you apply the wisdom that everything is perfect. Good and bad are opinions that divide the Oneness of the Heart. We can live beyond the suffering of the divided mind by understanding life as God does.

Align Your Mind Towards Wisdom – You are the Conscious Creator of Your Life

July 9th, 2020 | No Comments

Align your mind and energy system to the higher dimensions of spiritual awakening. Use this meditation often to create a constant experience of peace, bliss, love and wisdom.

2nd Higher Self Inner Circle – Cycle Starts Sunday July 5 – Register Now

July 1st, 2020 | No Comments

In 5 days, the 2nd Higher Self Inner Circle begins. Experience 3 hours of channeled Higher Self teachings, meditations and q&a every week on Zoom video live stream.

Your Understanding Determines Everything in Your Life. Awaken to How Powerful You Are.

June 9th, 2020 | No Comments

Life is your creation. Your mind is at the center of every experiencing determining your life. Receive a channeled teaching about the power of your mind. Learn how you are shaping every part of your reality as you awaken to God Realization.

The Light Initiation – Powerful Transition into Divine Remembrance – Free 20 Day Online Retreat

May 28th, 2020 | No Comments

In my upcoming video retreat, receive over 20 high impact, experiential and online light initiations to expand your being into your true divine potential. This free 20 day online retreat starts June 1st.