Good and Bad are the Divided Mind. Wisdom is a State Beyond Duality.
Satsang with the Self
Video: 424
Date: July 16, 2020
Title: Good and Bad are the Divided Mind. Wisdom is a State Beyond Duality.
Running Time: 18:38
Good and Bad are the Divided Mind. Wisdom is a State Beyond Duality.
Watch what happens in your life when you apply the wisdom that everything is perfect. Good and bad are opinions that divide the Oneness of the Heart. We can live beyond the suffering of the divided mind by understanding life as God does.
Transcend the limits of human conditioning in this Channel Higher Self video teaching. Happiness is your natural state. You find happiness in the present moment when you step beyond the conditioning of your mind.
Since your childhood, you have been conditioned to believe that the world is divided into good and bad, right and wrong. You are taught that some forms and experiences are to be resisted and others desired. Your mind was divided into a state of duality and your suffering was born.
Your spiritual journey has brought you here – to a time and place when you are desiring to live beyond the duality of a divided mind.
Your desire for genuine oneness and a transcendent happiness has brought you to this channeled message.
Embrace the higher spiritual wisdom that all of life is One Source Consciousness appearing as infinite forms and infinite possibilities.
Experience the blissful state of Enlightenment.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
bliss, channel, channeled, chi, consciousness, duality, enlightenment, god, happiness, higher self, life, light, love, mind, oneness, satsang, self, spirit, spiritual, suffer, suffering, teach, teaching, video, wisdom