Practice Feeling Yourself as the Expanded Consciousness and Watch What Happens
Satsang with the Self
Video: 458
Date: October 29, 2020
Title: Practice Feeling Yourself as the Expanded Consciousness and Watch What Happens
Running Time: 17:38
Practice Feeling Yourself as the Expanded Consciousness and Watch What Happens
Transform yourself in this simple channeled message. Do you want to be a master in your reality? Do you want to understand why things are happening in your life? Do you want to know how to create the experiences you desire to have?
Listen to this Higher Self channeled message and receive the wisdom and guidance to you stay open and connected to life for the greatest benefit. Learn how to expand your consciousness so that you can connect to more of your reality.
As you expand your state of perception you also increase you knowledge. With greater knowledge comes easier success and greater personal happiness.
This is a simple and powerful Higher Self channeling. Use it. Apply it in your life and watch your life transform.
Blessings and Love.
This Video is Tagged With:
channel, channeled, channeling, consciousness, guidance, happiness, higher self, knowledge, learn, life, love, master, power, practice, satsang, self, video, wisdom